Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Yep, that's the word of the day...recuperating. And that is what I am doing. It's not easy but it's what we all must do from time to time when injury gets in the way of our way of life.

Interestingly enough I was telling a friend today that some time off isn't going to hurt her, in fact it might help her be stronger...why can't I tell myself that and really believe it? I know it's true but it doesn't matter, I just can't sit still to recover.

So I am trying, tomorrow I can swim again and I'm thrilled to be able to do something that is a good cardio workout! And in a week I'll be cycling and then in a few weeks running again.

This time next year I won't have to even think about least that's my hope!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Knee Surgery

I have not posted much about my knee surgery because I really didn't want to be a whiner. So today I will catch you up in case you've missed my ongoing saga.

Two and a half years ago I tore my meniscus, got an MRI, went to an orthopedic surgeon, he said I didn't need surgery. OK so days go by.

I keep training and run the San Antonio Marathon in tears because my knee hurts so bad. But time goes on and I continue to run and eventually have to lay off a month in which time I start swimming and doing yoga.

Eventually I go back to running and do well, but off and on I have periods of time where my knee really bothers me and I have to back off.

Fast forward to this last winter, I trained, did well, got a Personal Record in the half marathon, I was so excited! And then BOOM the knee again. Thinking overuse, I followed my coaches advice and backed off, but when I started up again it didn't get better and then I had this catching that would happen even when I was sleeping, or walking around the house, or mowing.

Finally my coach strongly suggested I go to the doctor and get an MRI which I did and sure enough it needed to be cleaned out, and of course I have arthritis which I already knew. The ortho doctor recommended scoping it and so I agreed.

Ten days ago I went in and had the surgery. No big deal at all. I spent two days doing nothing but taking pain pills (although I never had any pain) so the third day I quit taking them. Only used the crutches for one trip from the car to the couch...after that I never touched them except to put them in the closet.

Fourth day I walk a mile, next day 2, then on Thursday a week after the surgery I go to the Y and use the elliptical and the bike each for 30 minutes, thinking I would get a good workout only to find that it hurt if I did it too hard, it's all about rebuilding not doing a full I took it down and just got through it. Yes it drove me crazy.

Friday I took off and Saturday I walked 5 miles at a brisk pace and then came home and cleaned house. By the time I cleaned house my knee was tired and twinging so I iced and rested. Sunday we went out and kayaked, easy day for the legs.

That brings us to today. The nurse comes in and is surprised my knee is not more swollen, takes out my stitches and asks me if it's bothered me at all, when I relay my activities to her she looks surprised and simply says well, that is good! Then the doctor comes in, checks the incisions, checks flexibility, says he is amazed it is not swollen.

Then he shows me the pictures that they took while scoping. WOW, lots of stuff going on in there. They smoothed out the meniscus, sawed on some bone to help the arthritis and took out this little band of tissue that was rubbing on my thigh bone.

He asked me about my activity to this point, if it hurt at any point and once again I relayed the information. He just smiled and laughed when I got to the 5 miles and then cleaning the house day. And then as he started to tell me that he saw no reason for rehab, you can do this and that, I took out a list I had prepared with questions about all the activities I wanted to continue doing.

At that point he laughed and shook his head, all in a very nice and complimentary way. And he answered concisely each question and said "you will pay the next day if you overdo". I get the point!

As we left I apologized for being so pesky with my questions and he answered that it was no problem at all, he enjoys patients like me who want to be active.

I am left wondering what other people do? Use this as an excuse to do nothing?