Yesterday when I got up to run my 800 repeats at the track the wind was blowing at an incredible rate. I looked it up on mph with guts over 30. Back to bed my little legs went. When I awoke later I realized I had to do something so I made the decision to run on the treadmill. Now I hate the treadmill, but I had no choice. If I wanted to do speed work at noon it had to be on the treadmill, there are too may kids at Cooper to run at noon on their track...that is just not happening.
So off to the YMCA I go. I was going to do "800"s on the treadmill. And this I did! I think. It's not as easy as it sounds, I had to figure out the "pace" on a treadmill and I have no idea what my pace is when I do 800s I know I do them in 3:40 to 3:50 which is somewhere in the 7ish pace. So that is what I did, half a mile at 7ish and then a bit walking at a slower pace then another half mile etc...
It was tough and the treadmill is so boring, even when doing the speed work. When I got home I thought that perhaps I should have just gone in the wind. Neither is preferable, neither is fun, but the accomplishment of doing speed work and doing it well is the same.
I may just stick to the least you don't see people stare at you like you are the Y, well that is a different story.
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I almost have Patrizia convinced to quit Curves and join the Y. She feels, and I agree, that she needs more than Curves can offer. Also, for only $20 more, we can all go and have better hours.
I hope you all will join, it's really got a lot to offer. I need to go more and I would get up and go with Patrizia if she wanted to go early.
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