Saturday, November 8, 2008

Cold Run

Sometimes it is so hard to get up when it's really cold out. In Colorado Springs last week it was pretty chilly at 6 AM. If you read my last blog you know I had a tough time getting by butt out the door. But I did it!

The run was good, very cold but it felt great. I love the cold dry air. It does however make it hard to run until I get pretty warmed up. My lungs hurt a bit but in the end it was wonderful. The crisp, dry, cold air is so refreshing.

I've been running there for so long now that I know the other runners because I see them a few times a week. Now we exchange more then just hello. It's becoming more like home and that is fun.

I do have to mention this one man. I passed him the last time I was there and again this week. It was 22 with a windchill of 16 Thursday. The last time I saw him it was 31. This man both times was running in just short black shorts, shoes of course, but no shirt, no tights. This time he did have gloves on. When people see him they look at him as if he is crazy, but he is very pleasant and always says hello. He has a beautiful black lab that follows him keeping perfect pace behind him. I was less fabergasted when it was 31, but Thursday it is VERY cold, crazy man.

The other thing I enjoy about running on the trail there are the dogs. Everyone brings their dogs, no leashes, and they run or walk with their humans. Occassionally they run over to someone else on the trail just to say good morning with their cold nose on the hand and sometimes they play together for a bit before going on.

There is one dog in particular I really enjoy seeing every morning. The trail runs along the river and on the west side is Piked Peak. On the East side in this one part there is a wide flat area and then a pretty steep hill with lots of trees, pretty forrested, and at the top are some homes that you can't really see for the trees. In this one particular place every morning this big black dog sits at the bottom of this hill. He is friendly, in no way "guarding" the area, he just sits there watching us all go by. He doesn't go out to meet the other dogs but if they come up to him he acknoweldges them and they go on, as if they are saying good morning. I assume his home is up the hill and he just enjoys coming down in the mornings to see what's going on. I've never seen his human but I say good morning to him every time I go by!

Running allows us all some amazing experiences even if they are simple ones.

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