Saturday, December 20, 2008

Run after 30 Day Hiatus

My 30 days hiatus from running is over. Today I ran 5 miles at the park with the running club crowd.

And for those of you who understand I did something absolutely nuts for me...I DID NOT wear my Garmin! I know you are all amazed... and it was a wonderful run.

The only little issue I had was my hamstrings, they are very tight. This could be because Thursday I did strength training and of course my body is not used to running again, at least not yet.

All in all it was a good run and it was fun to visit with the group many of whom just ran the Whiterock Marathon or Half Marathon in Dallas. Not to mention the beautiful sunrise.

I will now begin "training" and I say that loosely, for the Cowtown Half Marathon in February. I am really doing this race for the medal. Of course it is a 5 year comittment to either the half or the full or a combination. Then you end up with this really big medal after the 5 years is up. Because this is the first year I am determined to do this race so I can be in on the fun! I am not worried about time so my training will really be only to make sure I can run the distance without only 13.1 I should be able to do that pretty easily.

Well it's almost Christmas and I need to get the cards out.

To anyone who reads this posting, I hope your Christmas is full of blessings and your New Year starts out better than last year.

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