Monday, June 15, 2009

New Milestones

Do you remember the old saying "you can't teach an old dog new tricks"? We I disagree!

Last week instead of swimming laps I went with Ivy my friend and neighbor to join a swim team. Yes you read that correctly, swim team. I was scared to death as I am not a good swimmer. But laps got boring so I let Ivy talk me into this team swimming.

We started on Friday. Lucky for me they have one lane just for people who are new to this whole thing. There are 6 or 8 of us depending upon the day and we are learning different strokes, practicing turns, kicks, and getting ready for meets. I personally am not competing (yet) as I just don't feel comfortable with it enough at this point so we help the others with their starts by swimming as fast as we can to touch the wall so they can dive over us. Friday was a pretty good workout but we had some time to rest some while getting instruction so we always had time to catch our breath. We start at 5:30 in the morning and are in the pool until 7:00.

Saturday I walked 2 miles, ran 4, walked 2.5. I was pretty tired after the swim workout on Friday and then the walk/run on Saturday but on Sunday we had the Dublin Dr. Pepper 10K so again we got up early, hopped in the jeep with all of our company and drove over to Dublin TX.

This is a race in which I generally place in my age division, however this time my coach had me running a slow pace just like a normal run. My goal is to go a week running with no pain then I get to up my speed.

It's not easy for me to run a race and not give it my all, however I knew I had to do this if I want to continue to heal and so I found my friend Jean and ran with her. She wanted to run faster and I wanted to run slower so we were able to meet in the middle and ran a good pace but not overly fast nor overly slow, it was perfect! And this was the furthest I've run in over a month and my knee did not hurt at all!

Yesterday, Sunday, I took off and went to the Texas Rangers vs Dodgers game in Arlington with all of our company. 11 of us in all. It was so much fun and I ate like a pig going WAY over my calorie allotment. It was a blast.

Today it was back to the pool. After a busy weekend and going to bed at 11:00 last night I got up at 4:15 AM and was at the pool in the water at 5:30. The workout today was very hard. Much more intense then last Friday. I am going to be really sore and I had a tough time with new strokes, diving etc... I need a NAP! Even though it is a great workout and I am loving the calorie burn after my pig out at the game.

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