Thursday, August 20, 2009


It's been awhile hasn't it? Here is a summary of what is happening. My knee has been bothering me again since the kickball game. So I've backed down, doing more cross training, walking before my runs, shortening my runs, and running them slower. I am at a point now (again) where it doesn't realy hurt it just feels "funny". Coach has me doing some new strength training for my knee so hopefully that will help.

In the mean time I am doing two workouts a day on many days. Swimming and Yoga or running and swimming, or running and yoga. Today I ran this morning and I may swim after work and it's a yoga night. It's great to get 3 good workouts in for a day!

I'm working on healing once again. I am always going to have this issue, anytime I do anything differently my knee is going to react. I just don't know what to do to keep that from happening. The doc and the coach both say it's a matter of just building up slowly and not doing anything new without the build up to it. Makes sense, and looking back I can see times when I knew I was doing too much. But at the time you just don't think about it. SIGH!

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