Thursday, December 24, 2009


In my airline profile I have a preference set for the aisle seat.  I prefer an escape route that is open and not blocked by others' legs.  However, occassionally I get bumped up to first class, when that happens you take the seat you don't argue in order to get the aisle.  This is the circumstance I found myself in last weekend when I was flying from Colorado Springs to Tucson to see my mother.

Flying in the evening is also rare for me.  I almost always fly in the morning or early afternoon but on this day I had to fly two flights to get to my destination, that left me with flying in the evening. 

As we begin our decent I notice the Arizona mountains, the are dark in the forefront but the sun is setting and even though you cannot see the sun the orange behind the mountain is vivid against the dark form of the jagged cliffs.  The contrast is striking.  Above the orange in the dark of the sky is the moon, just a sliver but the shadow of the entire moon can be seen. 

I wonder how much we miss when we are not forced to be still, to look out the windows in our life, not just in the landscape but in the people what we pass by every day.  Do we see their inner beauty?  Do we ever stop to see the best in them and in ourselves?

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