Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Snow Instead of Running

It's been awhile since I blogged.  Not sure why, maybe because I need inspiration to blog, maybe I am just lazy, or maybe it's because I have no idea if anyone ever reads these postings!  In any case here is a new one for anyone who dares to read it.

Last week we had snow, snow is not completely unheard of here in Granbury but 8 to 13 inches certainly is something people here don't see often if at all.  Here in our little piece of the world we had 8 inches, but just to the east and north of us they had 12 to 13!  It was enough to shut everything down for the most part and so a big fire in the fireplace helped to make the snowfall even nicer.

Growing up in the mountains this kind of snowfall is not unusual to me, and yet the memories it brought back from my childhood were simply glorious.  Days of snow falling in big slow flakes, fire roaring in the fireplace, and our old wood stove, and a game of monopoly going.  Quiet peaceful naps in front of the fire, snow forts with reinforcement of snowball ammunition inside laying in wait for the big fight coming later in the day, wet and muddy tile in the entry of the carport, gloves, hat, snow boots sitting by the fire getting dry, and yummy rich hot chocolate with lots of mini marshmellows on top.  And interestingly enough I can even smell the wet dog (Ghosty) who slept there by us after an afternoon of romping with us in the snow.

Fingers stinging when warming up, nose red and runny, ears nipped with cold.  And a big pot of stew on the stove filling the house with that comfort food smell.

What wonderful memories, I do miss the mountains, sometimes more than I can stand.  Someday we will go back, someday when it's the right time, hopefully so that we can make some of those memories with family we have yet to know.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Wish I shared your love of the snow...I become a treadmill runner the first sign of trouble. I did train in the cold weather to get ready for Bandera, however. It was a good thing, too, because it was 6 degrees at the start. I don't like to run in heat, either, so I would like to have a happy medium in my running...but doubt that's ever going to happen in West Texas.