What a sunrise! I was in awe of the pink, red, and gold clouds with sun rays peeping through here and there as if to say GOOD MORNING WORLD!
It was humid on Monday. It made the run a bit tougher, but I ran a natural pace and my pace was very good. The sunrise made it worth it to be out there. I think it's a shame that so many people sleep through, or don't notice such a beautiful event. That is one of the great things about running. When you are out there in the morning you see things that many people miss. How sad.
When I got home it began to rain softly. This is why it was so humid! We needed the rain and it was a pretty rain, not stormy, just soft and quiet. It was tough not to go back to bed to catch some zzzzzs.
Sid came on Monday afternoon. It was great to see him! He is here through Thursday so we will get to run together. I always like sharing this time with my brother.
Tuesday -
We went to the track and ran 100 meter repeats. Sid has not tackled 100's yet but he did GREAT. I was really surprised. He is in great shape and had no trouble keeping up with me. We did 10 and although tough, they seemed easier today. It was not windy and it was cooler. Those things put together makes the running much more pleasurable.
Even better was sharing that time with my brother. He is so fun and we talk about so many things. It's fun to have him here.
Terry is gone to Ohio with his new job. I love to hear him talk about it because he is so happy. I had no idea that his old job was such as burden. I guess he/we got in a rut. It's exciting to hear him talk about something new, working as a team, and the people he is meeting. I could do without the fried bologna sandwich he ate, but he loves it and for that I am so thankful! Wish I were with him to run on the ranch and watch the horses, see the sun rise, enjoy a new environment. Maybe I can go with him before they all move to Texas.
Well tomorrow is a rest day and I am glad. I need to rest.
More to follow on Thursday, Sianara
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