Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I did it, I went to the YMCA ready to swim. I waited 15 minutes for the Wylie swim team to finish, and I got in the water. I swam 200 meters and then my goggles strap broke. I tied it together and did another 200 meters and it broke again in another place. In the end I could not wear them anymore so I swam the backstroke and used the kick board some of the time to work out my legs.

I swam for 30 minutes and only did 800 meters :( and I have to stop every 50 meters to catch my breath! I wish I knew how to do the turns, I feel like I'm in a rhythm and then I am at the other end and stop.

All in all though it was a good workout, I enjoyed it and felt good but tired when I got out. I am looking forward to keeping it up and improving.

I think I may take some lessons, learn the turns, get someone to watch my form and tell me how I can improve. I would also like to work hard at it and do a triathlon sometime during this year, but I need to get comfortable with the swim. So I think I'll look into the lessons!

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