Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Week

As you know the wind blew pretty hard last week and over the weekend...YUCK. Sunday night at some point we had a nice quiet rain, something we desperately need.

The wind died down. Running on Monday was beautiful. The smell of the rain, the crispness (not cold) of the air made it a great morning. It is amazing how after one little rain everything looks so green.

Monday I went over to ACU and ran around their walk/run path. It goes around the outside of the campus, past a pretty little "lake", it's really just a pond but they call it a lake. It's actually patterned after the "lake" at the Broadmore Hotel in Colorado Springs.

Anyway it's a 1.8 mile look and I ran 7 at 5K pace, that was an 8:28 pace on Monday. Very tough run, but a very good run. Wonderful morning.

Tuesday was's nice to get up and do Yoga to the sunrise. There is something so spiritual about it.

Yesterday, Wednesday, was a 4 mile easy run except that I thought it was 5 miles so I ran 5. Again it was windy so I ran from the YMCA around the neighborhood to stay out of the wind. Good run. Then off to the pool where I swam for 30 minutes. I have new goggles and what a different that made. This swim went much better than last weeks and I felt great.

I am pretty tired this morning and having a tough time getting myself going but I am on my way out to a 6 mile 10K pace run. Should be around an 8:45 pace. It will be easier than Monday but still hard. I'm already wishing I were finished! Luckily today there is no wind, it is only 40 degrees so it's a little cool, but with no wind it should be a great morning for a run.

Catch up with you later.

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