Thursday, December 24, 2009


In my airline profile I have a preference set for the aisle seat.  I prefer an escape route that is open and not blocked by others' legs.  However, occassionally I get bumped up to first class, when that happens you take the seat you don't argue in order to get the aisle.  This is the circumstance I found myself in last weekend when I was flying from Colorado Springs to Tucson to see my mother.

Flying in the evening is also rare for me.  I almost always fly in the morning or early afternoon but on this day I had to fly two flights to get to my destination, that left me with flying in the evening. 

As we begin our decent I notice the Arizona mountains, the are dark in the forefront but the sun is setting and even though you cannot see the sun the orange behind the mountain is vivid against the dark form of the jagged cliffs.  The contrast is striking.  Above the orange in the dark of the sky is the moon, just a sliver but the shadow of the entire moon can be seen. 

I wonder how much we miss when we are not forced to be still, to look out the windows in our life, not just in the landscape but in the people what we pass by every day.  Do we see their inner beauty?  Do we ever stop to see the best in them and in ourselves?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Purple Mountain Majesty

By the title you have most likely guessed that this entry will be about running in the mountains, you may have even have guessed I was in Colorado, with that gues you would be correct.

I've done many postings about running in Colorado Springs so as you know every time I am there I am once again overwhelmed by the beauty of the breaking dawn.

On this morning the temperature was a mild 38 degrees, perfect temperature for shorts and long sleeves.  The week before the temperatures were very cold and there was a lot of snow and so there was ice on the roads and the sidewalks.  In the dark I had to be careful not to slip.

On my way back the sun was rising, the red like fire brimming over the plains as the lights of the city begin to dim.  But it's not the sun coming up over the plains that is the most beautiful.  On the opposite horizon are the mountains and this is where the beauty overtakes me, each and every time.  The mountains are jagged and with the sun shining on them they turn from dark to purple to yellow to red and finally settle into the browns and greens that make the terrain of the mountain.  It's hard to continue running when the beauty grabs your heart.  And so I stop, breathe in the crisp dry air, and take in the scene.  I imagine what it was like to the pioneers coming across the plains as the sun rose and lit the mountains with  purple.  Purple Mountain Majesty that is all the description needed.

I know that it's typical to forget to look at your surroundings as you are there all the time and it becomes common.  I mentioned to someone at the office that the sunrise was fantastic and the response was "Yeah, I see it all the time "purple mountain majesty".  I was a little confused by the comment.  It sounded cavalier and it ocurred to me that we all forget look at the beauty in our lives.  It's there in front of us, all around us, in the people we know and don't know, in the world God made for us, in everything we do, and yet it becomes common. 

In this next year let's all remember to look at the beauty that surrounds us and choose to enjoy what God has given us to enjoy.  Life will be better for us is we only dwell in the beauty.

Mountains Majesty

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Viewing not Running

Tomorrow could be a day we revel in silent slumber until the sun is at it's mid morning place in the sky.  Softly enjoying a long overdue late morning sleep.  Normally we are up at the crack of dawn to get our long runs in.  Tomorrow could be our time of rest, lazily draping our legs out of bed onto the cold wood floor, walking downstairs to the coffee, cuddling on the couch to watch the morning go by as the caffeine makes it's way into our viens.

Instead we will rise very early, put on layers to keep us warm but can be taken off as the day warms, and head out to Dallas to view our friends and family as they run the Whiterock Marathon and Half Marathon.  This may be the first time (that we can remember) that neither of us is running and we are both going to watch.  Obviously our late morning snooze is not as important to us as our friends and family.  We are sure they need our support along their journey and so, we will be there.

To all of them we say good luck, good race, and God bless your running.  We will see you tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Viva Las Vegas

If you are a veteran runner, meaning you've run for awhile, have so many races under your belt that you can no longer count them with your fingers and toes you sometimes lose the magic of the race environment.  And then enters a "newbie".  Someone who is running their first race of that distance, someone who has had no real experience with the race expo's, the crowds the morning of the race, the excitement and a big race with the music and fanfare. 

Suddenly that euphoric feeling swells up inside once again and as veterans we remember what it's like.  We see it again through the "newbie's" eyes and remember why we get up so early to stand out in the cold and wait to run like crazy people through the streets while most are still lost in slumber.

And so it was with the first annual Rock and Roll Vegas Marathon and Half Marathon.  Our niece joined us there to run her first half marathon.  While she attempted to remain "cool" it was apparant that the excitement was there and the nerves were too.

After a restful Saturday we got up at 3:00 AM on Sunday to get ready, eat, and make our way to the race start.   The race started at 6:15 so that the strip could be completely closed down.  That in and of itself was amazing.  How often do they close down Las Vegas Blvd.?

Making our way to the start we met a man who was a bit lost, he is from Florida and was running his first marathon.  Now we have another "newbie" and we assure him he will do fine, don't start too fast, make sure you fuel, all the things we say to those who have not been here before.  We stayed together until the race began, he was alone and nervous so we tried to provide some calmness for him.  Later after the marathon we saw him again, amazing with 25,0000 runners, he pulled a groin at mile 4 but still finished.  He was dissappointed but still happy to have made it through.

Staying with the Rock and Roll theme there are bands all along the way and at the beginning they had a band above the start line "Blues Brothers", fireworks, and skydivers with Celine and Cher singing beforehand (or at least I think it was them but may have been an impersonator).

And then we are off.  Running through Vegas is unlike any other race I've run.  The buildings, so large and ominous, the overwhelming enormity of it all.  We stuck to our plan and did well keeping our pace and slowly building up..and then it happened.  Terry and I were in a conversation about the wedding chapel where my dad and stepmother got married, we were looking at a few of the chapels we were passing as we ran, and I tripped on one of the reflectors in the middle of the road.  BOOM, I am down, with knees scraped up, knuckles and wrist bleeding, blood going down my leg.  I hop up and get right back at it hardly losing a beat.  I'm not sure if that makes me tough or crazy. We kept with our pace and still finished strong.

I'm not sure why I trip sometimes while running, it seems to go in phases.  I feel somewhat like Chevy Chase on Saturday Night Live, and I hope I provided some good laughs for those around me and made their race easier.

As for our Niece, she came in after us and what a joy to see her face all lit up as she reveled in the excitement of having done something she never thought she would do.  She had a great run in her first half and I am quite sure there will be many more and possibly a full marathon sometime in her future.  What fun to be there to share with her the excitement of the first distance run!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Quick update

It's been a bit since I blogged so this is to catch you up.

Training is going well and the Vegas Rock and Roll is this upcoming Sunday.  I feel very strong and my knee is doing well.  We've been doing some intense training and I think it will pay off on the mostly flat course!

The weather has turned cold and in fact it snowed today.  It did not stay on the ground, nonetheless the flakes were big and beautiful.  I love running in the colder weather, my body seems to respond well and so soon I am off for an easy 5 mile run.  I did not run this morning because it was raining, now it is dryer but cold and a bit windy.  Seems I just traded one for another.  All will be good because Terry will be running with me and then we can cuddle up by a nice fire.

I will post more soon!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bridges History and Running

Have you traveled to an old city? Old being a relative term I know. Old enough to make you wonder about history, about the people that walked the same path before you, about their survival, and the things they left behind?

I've been to Charleston, South Carolina five times or so and every time the same feeling overwhelms me. This visit I ran the Cooper Bridge, which was renamed the Ravenel Bridge when they replaced the old bridge with the new one a few years back. Locals still refer to it as the Cooper Bridge.

I started in the dark and ran from historic downtown out to the bay where the railroad comes in to gather the goods from the cargo ships and whisk it away and continued on down East Bay to the bridge. The bridge has a walking/cycling path that runs the full expanse and beyond, two and one half miles across the water.

As I began my ascent where the path curves onto the bridge you can see it in front and above you, the middle of the bridge calling out to you, amazingly it looks only a stone’s throw away. And so I began. Soon my legs are engaged in a battle with an incline that is not too pleasant. But I continue on, unable to look up because when I do I am discouraged by the steep path I see before me, and so, head down, I plug away running up that path. When I do look up I see a group of quickly moving lights coming toward me, there are 5 or 6 of them shining through the dark morning and I wonder if this is some type of golf cart zooming downhill but when they get to me I see it is a group of cyclists either out for a morning ride or commuting into town for work. They are going at quite a speed, but given that they are on the downhill to my uphill I can understand why they take advantage of the ease of the ride.

I continue on thinking "soon I will be at the top", this soon becomes my mantra. Slowly the sky turns from black to a dull gray just as I reach the top. Here I rest looking out from high upon this bridge across the water at the lights of Charleston on one side and Mt. Pleasant on the other. It's a charming site even as the industrial ships begin moving into the harbor. It occurs to me that long ago when the ships would come in, they most likely could not see it from this vantage point but would be able to see the gas lights burning in the city and feel, without stepping from the ship, the rum going down their throats to warm their bellies. Indeed Charleston had a bar for every three buildings in the city. As well as more churches than any town of its size at the time. An interesting dichotomy.

And then it's time to take on the downhill toward the other side and as promised it was a freeing experience. Legs now free of the uphill engagement it takes some control to keep them from going too fast beneath me and it is at this point that my knees begin to feel shaky. Downhill is not good on the knees, and this downhill is especially long and steep. But it does feel good as the pace increases and I make it to the other side and turn around to go...yes....uphill. And this side is a much longer uphill although not as steep. I take out my music, choose some inspirational songs, turn it up and launch into the run back to my abode.

I'm not sure if it was the music that made the difference or the fact that as the sun began to peak up over the horizon the clouds opposite of it started their show of turning from grey to pink to orange and because their color was so bright it reflected in the water below. Breathtaking doesn't describe the beauty but there is no other word to use. With the music in my ears and the sky and water painting a picture before me the uphill climb was over quickly and I stood once again looking over the water and thinking of the difference light makes as it reflects on an old city.

Finishing my run, the downhill is euphoric and I soon found that place where your emotions are light, the world is yours, where you feel that anything within reach is yours and there I stayed, singing, laughing, and viewing the world from the eyes of an enlighten soul. Looking out over a city that was once plagued with pirates, flooded from a hurricane, and burned to the ground. Seeing what history built and how it continues on then it occurred to me. In another 100 years someone will look at this bridge and marvel at what was done so many years ago, they will marvel that it held up for so long and that so many crossed over it without plunging in the water below. And they will most likely tell of the ghosts that wander across in the early day's darkness mourning the loss of their lives or those they loved.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fall Leaves

You know that sound?  The sound of leaves falling around you, the sound the leaves make as you are running through them on the ground?  That sort of soft crunching sound?  That is one of my favorite sounds in all the world and one of the reasons I love running in the fall.

Sunday Terry and I headed out in the jeep (with no top) for Fort Worth to run on the Trinity Trail.  The trial goes for over 40 miles beside the Trinity River, through downtown, and out.  It's a nice place to run although it was quite chilly driving without the top when it's 57 out and you are going 70 mph!

While running we found this little road that has been closed off to through traffic, there are paths leading from the trail and so we took one and found ourselves running under tall trees hanging over this old road.  No homes, no streets, nothing but the little road, the trail and beautiful trees.

As we run the leaves fall around us, making a soft little whish as they float by.  Of course the piles where the leaves fall is  there on the road waiting for someone to run through so that they can make their soft crunching sound.  I am that runner! There is something liberating about running through a pile of leaves.  The sound is intriguing.  The leaves, in different stages of decay, make various crunching noises. With each foot step there is a new chorus which sends my heart into laughter.  I am quite sure Terry thinks I am a bit nuts.

I believe that for me part of the appeal is that I can act somewhat like a kid again.  I can run through the leaves, get dirty, laugh out loud at the sound they make under my feet.  As adults if we did that in our yards while we were raking the neighbors would be whispering about those crazy folks next door!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Moon and Sun in One Run

The time change has given me fits.  Each time we change both in the spring and fall I suffer for at least a week sometimes two.  Getting up at 4:30 to eat before we run is tough anyway, but especially when my body is off because of a time change.  But I got up, and at 5:30 we headed out to run.

It was supposed to be an easy run but ended up being a more moderate pace, that's cool, I can handle it.  But what made the run so incredible was having the opportunity to start running when the moon was bright and still high in the sky and end the run with the moon down and the sun coming up over the horizon!

I said to myself  "Self, how many people really ever take the opportunity to see the moon still up, bright, and shining in the dark, and then also stay out long enough to see the red and orange colors of a sunrise?"  Even camping we sleep until the sun is up rather than just daybreak.  What an opportunity we have when we get up early, before the others are stirring, before the traffic begins, before the noise of the day.  God gives a lot to admire and yet it passes by us without a glance.

Even if you don't run it would be worth it to get up one morning, go out somewhere where the lights don't shine when the moon is bright in the early morning hour, and watch it set, and then watch the sun begin to peak over the horizon.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Lauf, Ess Wurst, Drink Bier

"What the heck" you say!  This is what you call a German tri-athlon.  "Run, Eat Sausage, Drink Beer"!

And we did this last Saturday.  As part of Wurst Fest in New Bruanfels, Tx there is a race called the Wurst 5 miler.  This was our first time to join in the festivities and while I was to run a 10 mile long run with half being an easy pace and half being a hard pace, the race was the best hard run I've had in some time.

We ran 2 miles to warm up and then after a 15 minute delay, due to so many participants being late, the race began.  Although the road surface was sometimes a little rough the race itself was fast and fun.  Our plan to start with a 9 and increase speed went out the window as we started at an 8:45 pace and got faster from there.

To my great surprise my knee held up well with an overall pace of 8:23 per mile and the last mile being a 7:51.  I finished the morning off with a 3 mile cool down to complete my 10 mile run.

Terry and I celebrated this fun, fast, and enjoyable race with a beer and a brat.  It's amazing how good a beer and brat can taste at 10 in the morning after a hard run!

Most enjoyable though is how much Terry and I enjoy sharing this acitivity.  Running together allows us to push one another along, encourage one another, and just plain have a great time with someone we love.  How many married folks really have this kind of fun????

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tough Run Turns Good

Sometimes you go out and your run just isn't what you bargained for. You struggle for reasons you can't seem to poinpoint.  I had one of those runs yesterday.

I should preface by saying my run on Tuesday was wonderful.  It was a hard pace run 80 to 85 % of my 5K pace for 7 miles.  I was able to keep pace and felt good (other than one stop at the bathroom).  My knee felt good, the weather was perfect, it was an awesome run.

Wednesday rolls around and before I even get out of bed I hear it...the wind.  If you've followed this blog you know by now that I am not a wind person.  I drag myself from the comfort of the bed, eat, get dressed, and decide to take a route that I've not taken before thinking that it would preoccupy my thoughts enough that I would not notice the wind.  It is 8:00 in the morning and I decide to cross the 51 bridge which is about a mile from our house and wander into a couple of the neighborhoods there and run back.  A couple of things I notice as I am running toward Weatherford; first there are a LOT of people driving in to work in Granbury, way too much traffic crossing the bridge, second it's a damn long way across that bridge with this much traffic.  But what do I do?  I keep going.

I get to the other side and cross the highway into a neighborhood, nice!  It's quiet and the wind is blocked by some very nice trees.  This part is good and I wander enjoying some new scenery.  This days run is to be a moderate paced run 75% effort and I am able to stay with it although I am struggling, my legs are tired from the day before.

With about two miles left it's time to head for home so I run out to the highway and turn toward the bridge...AAAAHHHHH the WIND hits, a head wind all the way up the highway across the bridge (not as much traffic going this direction) I felt as though I would blow right off the bridge and the very large trucks passing me at 60 MPH didn't help!  And then the end of the bridge to the street we live on  is...well... up hill with a head wind.  WHAT WAS I THINKING?????

As I turn on to our street  the wind is no longer a head wind although not a tail wind either it is at least easier and our street has a slight downhill slant from this point.  As I turn the song  "Winds of Change" by the Scorpians comes on the shuffle.  How ironic, and as I head for the house I notice how the wind is working it's way through and around the large trees that line the road.  The leaves are starting to change and occassionaly a few leaves fall around me.  Listening to this song while watching the wind do it's magic with the leaves I feel a sense of accomplishment.  Tough run?  Yes, but ending it like this...that is priceless!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Time Slides By

It has been some time since I've blogged.  Many things have happened in that time so this blog will be somewhat of a summary of life after October 7th when I last posted.

I officially started training for the Rock and Roll Vegas Half Marathon.  Many of my runs Terry joins me even though his training plan is a bit different than mine.  My hard days (Tuesday) are killing me.  Running at 90% effort is tough when you do it for a longer distance 6-7 miles at this point.  Wednesdays are moderate runs (50 - 70% effort).  These are easier but coming off of Tuesday they seem tough.  My long runs are up to 13 miles now and sometimes she has me do an easy/hard run so that the first half is more like a long warm up and the second half is like a race.  I actually enjoy those and seem to do well.

The week after the 7th I found myself flying to Minneapolis, MN for personal reasons.  I cannot really go into the reason for my visit there, I left on Thursday very early in the morning and returned home late on the next Monday.  While there I did have the opportunity to do some exploring and running around the many lakes and beautiful trails.  Wow! It was amazing to run there and I will write more about this specifically when I can.  There are so many trails that you can get through the entire city and to St. Paul without ever leaving a path.  And they have the paths for bikes separated from the path for walking/running.  I met some very nice runners who helped me to get my bearings and that is when I began my organic revival.  Yeah you got that right!  We are now eating as organically as possible as well as cutting out sugar where we can (especially added sugars), and also working on eating gluten free.  The gluten free is not critical for us but it is part of the "eating clean" way of life.  Basically lots of organic protien and veggies with fruits on the side.  I was feeling very good and having more energy and then...

I came home, ate pretty well, and Terry and I flew out to South Carolina where we spent a few days with our son's future in-laws.  They are so much like us it's uncanny.  We have a wonderful time together and can't wait to get together again.  They too are normally healthy eaters but when company comes we all eat poorly and what do you expect in South Carolina?  Especially up in the mountains away from the cities where southern food is really SOUTHERN!  We ate and ate and ate, lots of fat, sugar, and yummy things.  I had to do an 11 mile run while there and happen to be in Clemson SC that day so I ran there.  Clemson is not a big place so it took a few loops around campus and town to get my miles in.  Very hilly, but an awesome run in the rain and 48 degree weather.  Then we moved to Anderson, SC which is where Gin's parents live.  They are runners/swimmers as well so we ran together 6 miles on Monday.  They live in a beautiful area and although very hilly the running was amazing.  48 degrees or so and sunny, perfect!  Terry and I then ran on Wednesday too before heading out to Greenville for awhile and then to the airport.  While there we saw the church for the wedding, the reception venue, and booked the rehearsal dinner at Table Rock Lodge.  Things are moving along quickly.

We got home late on Wednesday night, cross training on Thursday, 5 easy on Friday, cross on Saturday and yesterday Terry ran 11 and I ran 13 in Weatherford on the Rails to Trails (one of our favorite places) and then had a big breakfast at our favorite diner there.  Today I swam and will do yoga, tomorrow is another hard run day...sigh...I dread those days.

My knee is holding up. It swells in the back and that part hurts but not while running so I am hoping it will get used to the hard work and quit swelling at some point.

Now you are up to date.  Hopefully my posts will be a little more entertaining now that I'm back.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Faster Paces

With this recovery effort I've run slow miles with the intent of getting my knee used to running again, used to the miles of pounding.  Everything has gone well.

Yesterday was the first day of my new schedule which includes some faster paces and I am feeling it.  After complaining for so long about always having to run slow I now wonder why I don't just keep running slow.

Yesterday was a "hard" 6 mile run.  A "hard" run according to my coach is 80 to 85% effort or a 5 to 10K pace.  Well other than a couple of 5K races I've not run that kind of effort in some time and especially not for 6 miles!  I head out the door and notice that it's warm, humid, balmy.  Not good fast running weather for me.  I struggle some and start out too fast, had to stop twice to go to the bathroom and two more times just to breathe!

I was able to make it through, it's exciting to have some variety of speed, but boy was it tough.

Today was a moderate 6 miler, much easier as the weather turned cool and somewhat dryer.  My knee is a little stiff, otherwise all is good.

Back on the road and loving it.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Another Wonderful Day

How does a day like this start?  What gets the ball rolling so to speak.

Today it started with the alarm going off at 6:00 am and  with hearing the rain pattering on the roof, turn the alarm off and cuddle up to snooze further into the morning.  Rain does that to you.

A slow rise later in the morning, well ok 7:30 or 8:00, stumble down to make coffee.  Will we run?  Not now, it's rainy and the coffee smells so good!  Cuddle on the couch for a few hours, surfing the net, reading a magazine, watching something on the history channel anout aliens, drinking good fresh ground coffee while listening to the rain on the tin roof of the deck.

Time to fish! Terry catches a nice catfish as we sit in the swing at the dock enjoying a great morning.  Oops out of worms, time for our run I guess.

At the beach parking to run.  Six mile run goes smoothly in the cool cloudy wet weather.  Nice to run without getting up at the crack of dawn.

Then it's off to get a healthy sub before heading to the grocery store and the bait store, we have no food in the fridge and no more worms to fish with!  Home now groceries's misty and cool, jazz on the stereo, opened a bottle of merlot.  Relaxing afternoon.  Time to fish some more, Terry heads down, I stay and enjoy the jazz and wine, he fishes and enjoys his beer.

Perfect harmony.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Run, Wine, Jazz, Kimball Museum, Rain

People occassionally ask us what it's like to be "empty nesters".  Well today is a good example of our empty nest Saturdays.

We woke up at 5:45 AM, ate breakfast and had a cup of coffee (or two).  Then we hopped into the jeep (top on because there were chances of rain) and drove to Grapevine.  In Grapevine we drove to Delaney Vineyars where we participated in The Vineyard Run.  A nice little 5K race which we ran in decent time although not our fastest, having done no speed work in a very long time we actually ran pretty well.  The course was good but did consist of two pretty big hills and then a nice downhill to the finish.

Afterward and along with 1000+ of our friends we listened to a wonderful jazz band and sampled wines from the vineyard, and it was only 10:00 in the morning!  We stayed around for the awards, although we did not win anything, too many fast people in the Dallas area!  We bought a couple bottles of wine and some dark chocolate and took off for P.F. Chang's.

By the time we arrived at PF's we were starving so we ate well and then headed out for the Museum to see a wonderful exhibition called Butcher's, Dragons, Gods, and Skeletons.  A great collection of paintings from antiquity to the 20th century and some pre-columbian art.  We spent a couple of hours there and when we went outside it was raining.

We made a quick trip to Academy so that Terry could buy some new running shoes.  His cost $40 and he loves them, mine cost over $100...I can't find cheap ones I like...what's up with that?

Then a quick 30 minute drive home in the rain, but first we stopped at Braums for a small cup of ice cream, peppermint for me, mint chocolate chip for Terry.

Now we are home.  Watched Tech win a football game and now heading to the dock where Terry is fishing in the rain and just caught a bass.   Guess I better get myself down there and join him I don't want him catching them all.

Back to the question, "what's it like being empty nesters?", well for us it's a time to be sad  when we wish they were here to share more of our lives, and it's also a time to enjoy each other without the interruption of children's activities.  We enjoy each others company and find that being each others best friend is better and better with each passing day.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Week after Vacation

Sigh...I can't seem to get into anything the week after vacation.  I've run and I've gone to yoga but I cannot seem to get back into swimmming...sigh.  And of course there is that slight "depression" that you get when you miss the place you feel you really belong.  That's how this week has been.

There is a good reason why spiders are so much a part of Halloween.  This time of year they build enormous webs seemingly in the middle of nowhere.  Terry and I went out to run early on Tuesday morning and even though it did not appear that we were near any structure that would provide a spider the foundation for building a web, we found ourselves running right into the snare over and over.  What is up with that?

Cooler weather is again gathering here, yesterday it rained softly all morning and so I ran in the rain.  I love running in the rain, there is something so refreshing about those drops from heaven.  And of course the cooler weather is wonderful, the flowers are again in bloom its amazing to run through the neighborhoods and see the beauty of fall unfolding.

Tomorrow Terry and I are off to Grapevine to run The Vineyard Run.  It is a 5K through a vineyard and afterward they serve wine and play jazz.  It's great being so close to a large running community, so much to be involved in.

I will be running it slow as we are now training for the Vegas Half and so we will run long Sunday.  We don't want to mess with the knee you know!

Will let you know how it goes.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Wilderness and Running

Being away from other people, traffic, noises that clutter our minds, that's what being out in the wilderness is about.  Instead we hear the sounds of nature, the sounds that are not pushed on you but part of a world we are rarely a part of.

Taking off for a run out there doesn't require an ipod, instead it only requires that you open your ears to the music of nature.  And so on two days while we were there I took off on my own to enjoy God's natural world.

Running on the dirt and rocks your footsteps carry a softer sound, the cool breeze softly flows across my face as I run.  I hear the birds as they flit in and out of my path, and occassionally I hear a noise in the pines around me, I am not sure I really want to know what is there.  I see squirrels stocking up on pine cones for the upcoming winter, ah the beauty. 

Of course as you would expect in the mountains there are hills, and I don't mean just hills, I mean HILLS and we are in high altitude that means that soon the sound of my breathing takes over as I huff and puff up the long steep hills and then at last summit.  The downhill feels wonderful and again I enjoy the sounds of nature when at one point I almost step on a snake lying in the dirt sunning himself.  He barely moved when I politely said "oh excuse me" and jumped to the right to avoid stepping on him.  And then it's another hill this one not as long but steeper, again with the huffing and puffing, my lungs longed to fill with air!  At the top of this hill I stopped, it was imperative that before I continue I catch my breath! 

While taking a short rest and drinking some water I began to have this rather uncomfortable feeling, as if someone or something was watching me.  Who would be out here, I was completely alone, no cars, no people, nothing and yet it was an unmistakeable feeling.  I slowly begin to canvas the landscape, looking through the pines and aspens wondering if perhaps someone was hunting as it is bow season for elk and bear.  Nothing.  So I turn and canvas the forrest behind me...lo and behold there he is...a buck.  Not a large one, an 8 point I think,  he is just staring at me from behind the trees with this confused look on his face. 

No doubt he is wondering what this crazy human is doing running, "running from what?", he may be wondering.  I stared back at him for a few seconds (seemed longer) and then politely said goodbye and continued on.  Wow, how funny I thought to myself.  We are always looking for deer or elk as they are so much more fascinating when they are in the wild as opposed to munching on the golf courses in the mountains.  And there he was watching me with this bewildered look about him.

My run that day was amazing with the crisp cool air, the smell of pine and aspen, the wildlife and best of all Terry waiting for me at the base of a really big hill which would have been an additional uphill mile that was not to be included in my run.  I had run too far and he had come to sit by the road to wait, saving me from the pain of that last big hill. I think he wanted to be sure I wasn't too tired for fishing later. 

Friday, September 18, 2009


We leave for vacation today.  Camping and flyfishing for an entire week...! 

I ran 8 this morning and my knee felt a little tight but no pain.  This is the first time I've run two days in a row in a while and so I was nervous but it was fine and I feel great.

I plan to run some while I am camping but the roads are not real good so I am not sure how much I will get to do.  Yoga and swimming will have to wait, but I think all that comes with camping and fishing will be plenty.

You won't see me for a week, have a good one!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Friends" You Meet Along the Way

Well well, it's raining, has been for a week, YEA!  I love the rain, my plants love the rain, our yard loves the rain, the lake loves the rain.  It's wonderful.  And I love running in the rain, especially when it's a nice slow rain with no lightening or thunder close by.

This morning it was raining as Terry and I went out for our run at 5:30 AM.  Terry only had to do 4 but I had 6 so we ran from the square out to the airport and back and then he left and I went on and finished my last two miles.  I love running with Terry, it gives us a chance to visit without interruption and distraction.  Something every married couple needs.

After Terry left to go home and I was left alone I began to listen to the sounds of the rain.  There are so many sounds the rain makes, or maybe more accurately the sounds the rain makes as it hits the surfaces around you.  It's like a symphony, these sounds should be in competition with each other but instead  they make beautiful music.  I could hear the drops hitting the pavement, the drops hitting water in the curb, drops hitting tin roofs, drops hitting composite roofs, drops hitting wood, drops hitting tree leaves, grass, trash cans, cars, dirt, water running down the curbs and running down drain pipes, water running off of roofs and that is only to name a few.  Once I let me mind go to really allow me to listen it was an amazing chorus of peaceful yet forceful sound that came together in wonderful harmony.  I will cherise this morning and relive it's music often.

Listening intently I was a bit oblivious to my surroundings but at some point I got a whiff of the dreaded SKUNK.  It was very strong and I supposed he was very close.  I had my headlamp on and I began to look into the yards as I was coming up on them, assuming the skunk would be in the grass.  I went about a block and the smell got heavier I knew he had to be close but I still could not see him.  And then movement caught the corner of my eye, I thought a white peice of paper was floating in the gutter which by now was a small river.  As I shifted my eyes to the moving object I realized it was a small skunk, and I was running right by him.  And I do mean right by, 2 or 3 feet from my feet, there he was.  I think he must have been drinking from the water in the gutter.  Of course I jumped 5 or 6 feet to the right to get well out of his way although if he had wanted to get me it would have been done by then!  All was well as he did not attempt to spray.  I did, however, change my route on the way back as there is  no sense in tempting fate.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Getting Ready for Vacation

Going on vacation is exciting right?  And yet the week before and the week after are pure hell.  Everything goes wrong the week before and we struggle to get things taken care of before we leave.  Then when we return we jump right back into the barbed wire trying to pick our way through without getting nicked with what we left undone.

Ok well maybe it's not THAT bad and well worth it!

So let's talk about the week before vacation and getting our workouts in. It doesn't seem to be enough to do what is on the plan or what your normal routine is, we tend to go overboard trying to make up for days during vacation when we either cannot or choose not to complete our workouts.  I am one of those people.

Next week we go to one of our favorite places to camp and fly fish for an entire week.  No showers, no cell phone, no's amazing, God's work.  It does however give me nowhere to swim (trout lakes there are freezing and you can't swim in them), no yoga class, although I could do yoga by the lake and let the Indians watch me like I am a crazy person.  But then it also takes away from the fishing which I really love.  Running I can do, although the rocky dirt roads makes it a little tough and you don't see many people running but that's ok I can do it.  Even knowing I may get my runs in I have become acustomed to working out two and three times a day, can I handle this?  I have to believe that the fishing and hiking will be enough as I try not to become obsessed with "burning calories".  Not to mention my logging of everything that goes in my mouth either via the computer on LiveStrong or on my iPhone and now I will have no access.  OMG whatever will I do?  I will have to just relax and enjoy the time away from all of this, it's just a week and I love fly fishing, love my family, love the mountains.  Breathe, relax, and enjoy.

Ok I feel better, thanks for listening!  As for this week it's been great.  Knee is feeling good, no pain at all.  YIPPEE!  Today I swam, did yoga, and then did a 30 minute ab workout.  WOW! 

Monday, September 14, 2009

Weird Wedding and Rain

Forgive me if I misspell, I can't find the spell check, did it dissapear?

It strikes me as interesting how much we as runners enjoy running in the rain.  Not the storm type rain, a nice solid rain or nice thick mist that somehow makes you feel as if you are invincible.  It is something that people who do not do outdoor activities simply don't understand and so they stay at home and call us idiots.  Well that is ok with me, I like being one of the weirdos!

This weekend we went to Austin to see the kids and ran the "Keep Austin Weird" 5k.  Terry and I ran with Taryn and her fiance Ben.  Neither of them run so we decided to stay together and run/walk and enjoy watching the people who were dressed up.  We did the untimed version and so there was no self imposed pressure to really run.  How much fun!  Not only was it a fun thing for the four of us to do together it was hysterical to watch the costumes people came up with.  And all in the pouring rain which only added to the fun.  Tanner rode his bike down to watch and cheer for us, he said he just can't run unless it's to run hard, he has not gotten out of his cross country mode I suppose.

After the race we went back to the hotel to change into some dry clothes had a free breakfast at the Hampton. The boys went to hang out at Whole Earth and REI while Taryn and I went about finding her a wedding dress.

For those of you who have daughters, start saving now.  While you can find relatively less expensive dresses it's tough to find a really nice one for under $1000 unless you get lucky and find it on sale.  We looked at several different places and found the perfect dress.  Wow.  She looks beautiful.  I didn't get to emotional until they put a veil on her and then it hit me.  She really is going to get married!

On Sunday Terry and Tanner went to the San Marcos river and canoed and fished.  I got up early and ran 7 at Town Lake.  There is something about running in Austin.  It is really amazing the number of people who get outside and run, bike, do yoga, swim, you name it.  Austin is a unique place and I love running there.  It was cool, misty, muddy, and a fantastic run!  I ran by the Barton Springs pool (a pool that is fed by a spring going into the river) lots of people were out swimming, no doubt some training for a tri.  Some day I want to swim in that pool.  The skullers were out, the UT team and the recreational, something else I want to do someday.  It's a great place to be.  And best of all my knee feels good, no pain at all.

Then it was off to the Bridal Extravaganza with Taryn (after breakfast at Magnolia Cafe).  Lots of vendors and some great ideas.  Unfortunately everything comes with a hefty price tag, at least now we can really put together a budget and see if we can stick to it.  Wish us luck with that!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Running with Garbage

Interesting title isn't it?  So here's the story.  Today is a beautiful day.  The morning was cool, no wind, the birds were singing, simply a great day to run.  I head out to walk 1 and run 5 and I've decided to run from the house down a bit of the highway, through a very nice division with 2 acre lots and huge homes, and then down the road to the winery.  The traffic is very light in these areas (with exception of the stretch of highway), it's quiet, not many people up and stirring, and a few but not many dogs to bark at you behind their fences.  I love this route because of the peace it offers.  It also offers some nice but not too hard hills so it's a bit challenging but not overly frustrating.

The first part was perfect, enjoyable, refreshing, invigorating.  Running past the large homes is always fun, they are so pretty and with acreage they offer more than your typical neighborhood where homes butt up against each other.

Then it's off to the winery road.  All started out great, nice and quiet, cool weather, and then...I hear it.  The low grinding of the gears, the roar of the deisel engine, the squeak of breaks...behind me the garbage truck approaches...NO I cry inside, not this morning, not now!  And yet here it came slowly catching me.

Now on this road as you are running north there is only pasture and trees on the right but homes on my left.  The truck picks up on the right so it has to go all the way to the homes on the right and then turn and come back to get those trash cans that are on my left at this point.  "Good" I think, I won't have to put up with it for long!

The truck grinds past and all of a sudden the aroma encircls my head, I can almost see it's wrotten green/brown color is it dances in my nose.  It's the smell of wrotten meat, soured milk, molded cheese, soiled diapers, all mixed together.  I try not to breathe, but I am running so I really have no choice.  "AHHHHH"  I scream inside.  But the truck has gone on and soon the aroma fades.  And so I run until it's time for me to turn around to head back home.  And then I hear it again, like some big monstor just waiting for me to turn so it can fill me with dread once again.

It is coming back to get the trash on what is now the right side of the road going south.  Sure enough it catches me only to stop right in front of me to pick up a can and I have to run past it, again the aroma, it's as if it sees me and rushes to catch me as I'm trying to hold my breath.  And then I am past the truck, but then it has to move on to the next can and so again it catches me, over and over this happens until finally the job is done and the truck is moving on to the highway.  Sigh, holding my breath while running has taken it's toll.  I stop to take a drink as the truck pulls out and from the window I get a friendly wave.  I wave back doing my best to smile.

I know the man behind the wheel was not happy about ruining my peaceful run, I could see it in his wave.  I think to myself, what a job!  And yet he has one, and an important one.  So I finished my run, it ended up being a good run in the end as I made my way home with no more intrusion, and no pain in my knee...ah a great run once again!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Bike Rally and NO PAIN

Terry was out of town so Saturday morning I slept in a bit and then went to run at 8:15.  Wandering through the streets of the square I found that they were setting up for the Warriors of Christ Bike Bash.  Harleys EVERYWHERE!  I have to say it was really cool to run through the streets with bikes parked one after the other on both sides, I felt like I was running through a show room for the best bikes in Texas!  Very cool.  It's always fun to catch a festival when it's just setting up and everyone is starting to arrive.  The mood is electric, very motivating.

The run went well.  I ran 6 miles with no pain.  And no swelling afterward!  I'm feeling good again and I just hope it lasts.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Long Time no Write

I have been informed by a loyal follower that I do not update often enough. I apologize to you, my friend (and any others there may be who follow my blog).

I am making a vow to update more often, at least once a week if not more often.

Running is going well, as you know I was forced to go back to building up again after the kickball game. Bummer...this knee thing is REALLY pissing me off.

I have been swimming at least twice a week sometimes more, yoga twice a week, elliptical on swim days, and lifting once a week and then running 4 days a week. As much as I hate being hurt and having to continually do rehab, I have found that cross training is wonderful. And my body has changed, more muscular, a few pounds down, and much stronger. A blessing in disguise.

Let's talk about swimming. It's still difficult for me but getting easier. When I was in Colorado Springs last week I had a wonderful swimming experience. Staying at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort is wonderful because with your stay you get access to all of their wonderful facilities. They have a great work out facility complete with trainers and classes, and a great aquatic facility with an Olympic size pool and a 25 meter indoor pool. Having been swimming now for awhile I mistakenly thought swimming in a 50 meter Olympic pool would be relatively easy. I failed to keep in mind that the pools here are 25 yards and 20 yards, not quite 50 meters I tell ya.

First of all this pool is beautiful! Clean water, right by the little lake, under the majestic cloud laden mountains...Wow, breathtaking. But when I walked out and saw how far 50 meters really is, well it's a little overwhelming. And yet I was able to do it! Granted I had to stop at each 50 and rest (high altitude gets you when you are swimming too) but I did my entire workout, 45 minutes in an Olympic pool in a beautiful setting. Wow I felt refreshed, amazed, awed with God's work.

Back home the city pool has closed for the winter so it's back the the Y to swim. It's OK, but it's 20 yards, dark, too much chlorine. But my friends are there at 6 AM and we it's OK, I enjoy my friends.

Yoga is amazing, I am so much stronger and flexible, I can't live without yoga, spiritual, physical, mental, it's much more than just stretching. I am astonished at how much I have changed because of this practice.

And running is coming along and I am feeling better and better. My training for the Vegas half starts next week. It will be nice to be training for a race again I am looking forward to the season. Hopefully injury free :)

Now you are caught up...more to follow

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Yesterday I parked at the little beach here on the lake and ran on the boardwalk and then through the town square and out past the ball fields and the schools to the airport. I've done this run a lot since we moved here. It's a nice run and in the beginning I used to really "look" at my surroundings. As with anything else we humans do, as we get more used to where we are we don't see things the way we did when they were new to us.

Early in the morning the beach is so nice and peaceful. No one is up yet, no screaming kids in the water, just the lapping of waves on the sand and a few ducks. I love this time of the day, it seems that I notice the beauty of my surroundings more in the early morning. The sun reflecting off of the water, the fish jumping out past the boardwalk. I think we need to pay more attention to what is around us all the time, not just when it's new to us.

Then on to the square, a cute little Texas square with the courthouse in the middle, shops and businesses all around it. The morning is the time when it begins to come alive. Folks arrive to get their stores ready for tourists. They open their doors, sweep off the sidewalk, water the flowers in the pots they all have outside, say good morning to one another and share a coffee at the local coffee shop. Although it's terribly hot in the middle of the day, the mornings are still nice enough that being outside is refreshing, so they all mingle and visit, and decide that today will be a good day for business.

Then I run down through some old neighborhoods, some houses from the 1400's. They are beautiful and call out with a history we can never know.

On to the ball fields, all empty, sprinklers taking advantage of the morning. And then past the schools. This is the week they begin their quest for education once again, or their parents quest for their education. The students have not arrived but the teachers are arriving, chatting about the summer ending and now they have to work again. What will their students be like this year I hear one say. New superintendent, will he help or hurt? Amazing what you hear while you are running.

And so a new cycle begins. And it's beautiful to be alive to see another cycle. Just wish my knee would quit hurting :).


It's been awhile hasn't it? Here is a summary of what is happening. My knee has been bothering me again since the kickball game. So I've backed down, doing more cross training, walking before my runs, shortening my runs, and running them slower. I am at a point now (again) where it doesn't realy hurt it just feels "funny". Coach has me doing some new strength training for my knee so hopefully that will help.

In the mean time I am doing two workouts a day on many days. Swimming and Yoga or running and swimming, or running and yoga. Today I ran this morning and I may swim after work and it's a yoga night. It's great to get 3 good workouts in for a day!

I'm working on healing once again. I am always going to have this issue, anytime I do anything differently my knee is going to react. I just don't know what to do to keep that from happening. The doc and the coach both say it's a matter of just building up slowly and not doing anything new without the build up to it. Makes sense, and looking back I can see times when I knew I was doing too much. But at the time you just don't think about it. SIGH!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


After the kickball game previously mentioned my knee continues to be sore. I ran 4 days in a row last week and it is not getting better so now I am taking a couple of days off of running to see if it will feel better. It's not really hurting but pretty sore. Sigh, this healing process is taking FOREVER! I so wish I had done it right the first time.

I did run 8 in Ruidoso on Sunday. Oh how I love the mountains. I love the dry air, cool temperatures. I am struggling with my longing to go home.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


This last weekend at a get together with the kids, their future spouses, and some of their friends we drank beer and ate, sat in the river, and slept. Oh and had one mean game of kickball.

I have not played kickball since I was a kid, I had forgotten how much fun it is. However, when you have had a knee issue it's not the best game to play. Needless to say I was sore. Not just the knee but the hamstrings were crying out "what? speedwork? kickball? are you NUTS".

It was "The Arringtons" against the rest. That would be me, Terry, Tanner, and Taryn against the other 4 with one being "all time pitcher". And with valiant effort... we lost.

After getting home on Sunday and running on Monday with a sore knee I was concerned that I had really done myself in this time. But today it feels better and I was able to run 5 this morning with a bit of pain but not much and later in the day it feels much better. It simply gets sore when I do anything new.

Let's face it, injuries suck! And age sucks, harder to heal as we get older.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Swimming and Sunrise

Going to swim at 5:30 in the morning at an outdoor pool seemed at first to be lunacy. The water is chilly and I am still somewhat asleep.

Once in, the water is fine. As we swim in the darkness save for the lights in the pool, slowly the sun rises.

There are some clouds to cover the sun as it begins to expose it's weary face. They first appear dark and broody but as more light reflects against them they change to pink and orange, with rays of sunshine poking through. Streaks of rain in a faraway place create a great contrast of dark to light.

Coming up out of the water to face the sunrise is an uplifting experience. The combination of the crispness of the water and the warm colors of the sun on the clouds give us a euphoric feeling of accomplishment and promise for the coming day.

Hello Blog

It's a rainy morning here. Very nice although not cool. In fact it's very humid out.

Sunday's run was great! I ran with friends and did 5 at a relatively easy pace then ran 2 at a pretty fast pace and my knee continues to feel fine. I will soon be gearing up for a fall and winter of many races and I am excited to be healthy!

Cross training certainly agrees with me and I am now considering buying a bike. Yes I see triathlon in my future. Swim team is over and although it was difficult getting up at 4:45 I miss the workout. Swimming laps is just not the same. Thursday was our last day and so Monday I went to the pool alone and tried to just lap after another, it's a little boring. I enjoyed the team because we had drills to do as well as swimming laps all with a purpose. So I went online and bought a pull buoy and a kick board so that I can go alone and still do the team workouts.

For those of you who don't know a pull buoy is a float that goes between your legs and you use it to swim without kicking so that you can focus on your "pull" which is your stroke. The kick board is then used to focus on the kick without the pull. And then you put the stroke and kick together after doing drills and hopefully it helps you to bring the two into a swim that is efficient. I am excited to keep up the training.

Tuesday I ran 5 at a relatively easy pace and felt great even with 91% humidity. It's tough to breathe when it's this humid, not to mention dehydration!

Today is weights and I was going to swim this evening but it is raining so I am not sure I will get it in. If not I will go later in the week.

Tomorrow I am contemplating running at 5:30 am, Yoga on the beach at 6:30 am, and then Hot Yoga at 7 pm. That will be a long day so we will see how that all pans out!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Nice Weather

We had a "cool" front come through. Now "cool" is a relative term when speaking of the weather. For us, after weeks of 100+ degree days, 80's and 90's feel down right COOL!

With the cooler temperatures came a couple of days of good rain. Not enough to help the lake level rise but enough to give the yard some much needed natural nutrition.

Monday's swimming was tough. I'm not sure if it's because I ran long on Sunday or if it was just a hard workout. I made it through but was exhausted (oh and it was my birthday) so maybe that was the problem! And on Sunday we had a wedding to attend in the Dallas area. I love weddings but not because I enjoy seeing people get married, it's the cake. There is NOTHING I love to put in my mouth more than old fashioned wedding cake with really rich icing. So on Sunday a had TWO large pieces plus these great little chocolate mousse desserts. No wonder Monday's workout was hard!

Micki, my coach, has given me some new running workouts, they are a bit different from what I've been doing and intended to strengthen my legs plus build endurance. Tuesday I walked 1 mile, jogged 2, then ran 2. That morning it rained hard until about 10, I got up and worked until a little after 10 when the rain stopped and went out for my run. I am sure you all know what happens when you live in a hot climate and it rains and then the sun comes out. Yes it got hot and steamy (and not in a good way). I was in the middle of my jog when it really warmed up.

Adding to the issue with the heat is my own perception of my "jog". In my head I KNOW that a jog means a very easy slow pace. However, getting my body to "jog" is tough unless I am running with someone who is going that pace. So my "jog" on Tuesday was not as slow as it needed to be. Thus my "run" was faster than it should have been because in my mind I had to do the last two faster than the two I jogged. That plus the heat was just not a good combination. I finished the run but had the chills and suffered from a bit of dehydration.

Wednesdays I usually swim but I could not get by butt out of bed and so I decided to do my Thursday run on Wednesday. This was a 2 mile walk, 3 mile jog, and 3 mile run. This time I knew to be more careful about my pace and I went early to avoid the heat. My jog was a jog and so my run was a good run at a decent pace and I felt good when I finished.

My knee is no longer hurting and the temptation to overdo is strong. If I can just keep with the plan Micki gave me I will continue to get my speed back. Patience....sigh.

Today was the last day of swim team and there were only two of us in my lane. We swam more continuously than before with little rest and having fewer people made it even more of an endurance workout. At first it was tough, always is with the warm up, but once I got past it I felt great and was able to keep going with little rest between drills. Over 4000 meters today.

The most exciting thing about today was that I was finally able to do the butterfly a full lap without stopping. I did that twice. I am sure it looked pretty bad but who cares! I made it all the way and THAT is an improvement.

My arms and shoulders feel like rubber. Lifting yesterday, swimming today, and tonight is Yoga. Tomorrow I will be wiped out.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Yes it is HOT. 85 degrees when I ran at 7:00 this morning. Only 50% humidity which is a blessing.

One weather report says it will be 107 here today. I don't like the heat, but what can I do?

Yesterday was a tough Yoga session. It felt great, today I am sore. My run today felt good and no knee pain. The yoga made me a bit sluggish as did the heat but I still got the miles in and felt good.

I need to get up earlier and run, it's just hard to so. With swim team I get up at 4:45 to be in the pool at 5:30, on run days I just want to sleep until 6:00. I may have to change that though, the heat is a killer.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Wow, has it really been since June 23rd that I blogged? What is happening to me? What have I been doing? How is my running progressing? Am I still swimming? What about kayaking?

Well things are good. The swim team is still happening although I never compete as you know I only work out and whew those workouts are killer. It totally wears me out and yet has made a huge difference in my upper body as well as adding strength to my legs. And so I keep going even though most of the time I dread getting up at 4:30.

I am swimming twice a week and running the other days, yoga once or twice a week and lifting twice a week. I keep pretty busy. And add to that I borrowed a kayak from a friend who races them. I've done that three times in the last three weeks. I don't go fast really but I do try to paddle hard so that I get a good workout. I enjoy getting out on the lake in a nice quiet boat and most of the time it's nice and peaceful out there.

The heat is getting to me some, over 100 most days and humid. I run about 6:30 and should go earlier but I have yet to get myself up to go. I just put up with it and carry water with me or run where I know there will be fountains. Have to stay hydrated!

My knee is improving and I now run most runs without pain. Occasionally the hills will get me and it will be sore but nothing like the pain I was having, I am thrilled. I ran a 5K race last weekend and ran an 8:30 pace. AND I got 3rd place in my division, always nice. Terry got 2nd in his. There is something to be said for living in a small town. :)That is not as fast as my old pace but considering I have not done any speed work, it was hot and humid, and I've been working on this knee, it was a great pace and I am very pleased. I am getting better all the time.

I have dropped out of El Scorcho, the midnight 30K next weekend. It's just too many miles without a slow work up to the miles. My coach did have it worked in my plan but she was very concerned that it would put me back so I dropped. It's not like it won't be there next year and I would rather be healthy and pain free to build up to the half distance soon.

And with that all is caught up!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rails to Trails

Sunday Terry and I decided to drive over to Weatherford (about 20 minutes from us) and run on the 20 mile Rails to Trails trail that runs between Weatherford and Mineral Wells.

We hopped in the jeep (top down of course) and drove over.

Wow what a difference. After running on the asphalt every day it's so nice to have a good double track trail to run on. Great on the feet and knees and it is almost completely shaded by vegetation so it is at least 10 degrees cooler than the asphalt. If you live here you understand how important the shade is.

It's a bit remote and so it's quiet. We saw a few people toward the end, some running, some walking, and some cycling.

We also saw some bunnies, a turkey and her babies, some deer, dove and lots of other birds. What great scenery and so close to us.

Then we did our next favorite thing which is to go into the town and find a local place to eat a great breakfast. We found a great place that seems to be very popular, had a good breakfast and headed back home.

If you live anywhere near Weatherford or Mineral Wells this is a MUST DO for a runner, cyclist, walker, or equestrian.

Ramping Up!!!!

It's been week since I logged anything here. It's not that a lot hasn't happened, I've just been too lazy to post :)

Things have been going quite well. The swim team (in which I just workout but don't compete) is so hard. It has been a humbling experience. I typically pick things up easily but swimming is so technical. Even though it's hard it is a wonderful workout and I am learning so much that I will use going forward. Should I decide to compete in a triathlon this training will help me tremendously. If I decide not to it will still be beneficial.

We've learned every stroke, and all the technique for making them work efficiently. Now doing it correctly is the hard part. I need a LOT of practice. I sometimes think I will drown but in the end this has been a wonderful experience, it's made me stronger, I've learned new things, lost a few pounds, and I am much more comfortable in the water.

Yoga is still a tough workout, however I find myself getting more and more limber the more I go. I am comfortable with most of the basic poses. Some of the more difficult ones are a little beyond me but I'll get there.

As far as running goes I've progressed quite nicely. Increasing mileage slowly and keeping a conservative pace has been good and my knee is feeling great. It is getting really hot here and I have had to get up earlier to get a run in before the heat hits.

I am not building up not only mileage I am now increasing my pace. Today I ran only 3 but at a faster pace than what I've done in two months. I ran 3 at 8:37! And my knee feels good! I am excited and feel that things are progressing nicely.

That's it for this update :)

Monday, June 15, 2009

New Milestones

Do you remember the old saying "you can't teach an old dog new tricks"? We I disagree!

Last week instead of swimming laps I went with Ivy my friend and neighbor to join a swim team. Yes you read that correctly, swim team. I was scared to death as I am not a good swimmer. But laps got boring so I let Ivy talk me into this team swimming.

We started on Friday. Lucky for me they have one lane just for people who are new to this whole thing. There are 6 or 8 of us depending upon the day and we are learning different strokes, practicing turns, kicks, and getting ready for meets. I personally am not competing (yet) as I just don't feel comfortable with it enough at this point so we help the others with their starts by swimming as fast as we can to touch the wall so they can dive over us. Friday was a pretty good workout but we had some time to rest some while getting instruction so we always had time to catch our breath. We start at 5:30 in the morning and are in the pool until 7:00.

Saturday I walked 2 miles, ran 4, walked 2.5. I was pretty tired after the swim workout on Friday and then the walk/run on Saturday but on Sunday we had the Dublin Dr. Pepper 10K so again we got up early, hopped in the jeep with all of our company and drove over to Dublin TX.

This is a race in which I generally place in my age division, however this time my coach had me running a slow pace just like a normal run. My goal is to go a week running with no pain then I get to up my speed.

It's not easy for me to run a race and not give it my all, however I knew I had to do this if I want to continue to heal and so I found my friend Jean and ran with her. She wanted to run faster and I wanted to run slower so we were able to meet in the middle and ran a good pace but not overly fast nor overly slow, it was perfect! And this was the furthest I've run in over a month and my knee did not hurt at all!

Yesterday, Sunday, I took off and went to the Texas Rangers vs Dodgers game in Arlington with all of our company. 11 of us in all. It was so much fun and I ate like a pig going WAY over my calorie allotment. It was a blast.

Today it was back to the pool. After a busy weekend and going to bed at 11:00 last night I got up at 4:15 AM and was at the pool in the water at 5:30. The workout today was very hard. Much more intense then last Friday. I am going to be really sore and I had a tough time with new strokes, diving etc... I need a NAP! Even though it is a great workout and I am loving the calorie burn after my pig out at the game.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Moon

This has nothing to do with running so bear with me.

Since moving in our new home the moon has gone through two full moon phases. The last time it was mostly cloudy during the phase so we never really saw the moon, I think only once.

This month though we have had clear skies and this brings me to my subject.

You must first understand that in our bedroom we have five large windows. Of those five, four of them have the arch at the top so the wood blinds only cover from the end of the arch down. The arch itself is open. Two of those windows are on my side of the bed, one right beside me and the other on the wall opposite, they almost take up the entire corner of the room.

At night we close the blinds as it gets light early in this room! But again there are no blinds on the arched part of the windows.

For these three nights I would wake to what seemed to be light flooding in the room, only it wasn't light from a bulb or a lamp so the first time I thought it was morning. And then as I opened my eyes I could see the moon smiling at me through the arch in the window. I looked around the room, it was something out of a dream. Moonlight transformed the room with it's soft yet filling presence, and it shined right on my side of the bed without ever making it over to the other side. I felt dreamy so I closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep feeling the warmth of the moon glow on my face.

The next night I looked forward to the moon waking me and sure enough it did, it was even brighter as now it was completely full. Again the room seemed like it came from a dream and again I drifted back to sleep after smiling at the moon peaking through the window.

The next night was the same only this night the clouds would move over the moon so that the light would fill the room and then fade, over and over, making the room feel almost like a boat rocking on the waves.

Now the clouds have moved in and I will not see the moon as we are looking for rain. I can't wait until next month when the full moon is up again. At some point the orbit will move the moon from my window and maybe the moment is gone and won't return or be as fascinating as it was this once. I guess I will wait and see!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday Run

Today went well. I did not run until 8:30 and it was HOT. I think running at 8:30 is good for me at this point. I am acclimating well to the heat so Dublin should not kill me unless the humidity really jumps up.

I walked one then ran 4, well "jogged" 4, in other words I was not supposed to go too fast. I did pretty well although in that last mile I had a hard time keeping the slower pace.

It feels so good to run! My knee did swell, and is somewhat sore. I iced and will do the double dose of ibuprofen for two days again, but it's not anything really painful and according to my coach this soreness is to be expected.

I am looking forward to Dublin although I am not sure how I am going to be able to keep a "jogging" pace when in a race. It's a test of will I suppose, mental training, something I definitely need!

That's it for now...see you in Dublin

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Today is Sunday. Yesterday in Abilene I ran 5 miles with my friends in ARC. I've never been more happy to run 5 miles. And it was great to see everyone! I don't miss Abilene at all, but those folks I miss. They are so genuine and because we all share the common enjoyment of running it's wonderful to get to catch up.

The run went well. My knee swelled a bit but no pain at all...YEA! It looks like I am really on the mend this time. I just need to remember not to push just because I feel good.

Next weekend is the Dublin 10K, there I will get to see my Abilene friends again as well as enjoy new friends from Granbury and family too! I just hope the temperature is mild (HA!)

Also, to any of our ARC friends who read this blog, we really want you to come and see us. Come for a race here or in Fort Worth or just come and visit. We have plenty of room and yes, Bob, we will provide the beer!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

3 Miles Woo Hoo

It's been awhile since I have really been able to run 3 miles at a time during the week. I was able to walk 1, run 3, walk 1, yesterday and it felt GREAT! My knee felt good, a little swelling and some soreness but with ice and a double dose of ibuprofen for two days it doesn't hurt long! Hopefully after I finish with that routine it will be even better.

Today I did Yoga at the dock as the sun came up over the lake. was so nice. I nice cool breeze after a night of thunder and rain.

I didn't want to leave but alas I had to work :( .

Tomorrow I run again! I can hardly contain my excitement. Here's to hoping that my knee holds up. I'm also taking Monavie Active, it contains Glucosamine and is supposed to help with joints as well...let's keep our fingers crossed!

Monday, June 1, 2009

4 Mile Run on Sunday

Well my longest run so far went great until...

What a beautiful morning it was. Not too hot, nice easy breeze, it was great running weather. The largest part of the group went on as I had to go slower. Terry stayed with me, having run a tough 5K race on Saturday he did not want to do anything to fast.

We walked one mile at a good pace but not brisk, then ran 4 miles at an easy pace. It felt GREAT, I so miss running. Right before our last running mile was finished I began to feel that ache in the back of my knee. We finished up and walked a 1/2 mile back to the car for cool down. Then I stretched and by the time we got home that little ache had become a pretty good pain. I could not bend my knee, I had no range of motion.

This happens from time to time but it's been about 3 weeks since the last time and it wasn't this bad. According to my doctor and my coach this is a Baker's Cyst. It really isn't a cyst at all but a symptom of overuse. Because I tore my meniscus I will always now have degeneration in my left knee. What happens now is if I overuse by running too much, bending too much, squatting too much, without building up slowly, the knee produces too much fluid designed to coat the knee joint. Because there is too much it pushes out into the easiest place to go which is most often behind the knee. So it swells and cause limited range of motion and pain. Ice helps as does ibuprofen but it doesn't make it go away.

The only way to not have them is to build up slowly allowing the knee to get used to the activity. And so I am trying. It's very frustrating and rest seems to be the best medicine. I am really tired of not running the miles I used to run.

My coach is working on a new plan and I should receive it today, but I am afraid this means that I will not be able to do El Schorcho in July. Sigh...we shall see.

Today will be a swim day.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Walk in the Morning

I walked 4 miles this morning at a very brisk pace. I walked down the highway and then down this long road with a vineyard and winery (no I didn't stop it was closed). This road was quiet with beautiful homes on each side, they all have acreage and back up to the lake, many have horses. What beauty I am surrounded by!

Walking rather than running does provide some benefit. I was able to stop and pet the horses, take a look at the vineyard, all because I was walking. When I run I am so focused on running that I won't dare stop!

Although when I am up and running again I plan to run down this street many times, and I WILL stop to smell the roses.

New Cap and Goggles

Having been mostly a runner for so long I know how important it is to have the right equipment. Good shoes, good socks, wicking material in shirts and shorts, a good sports bra, and of course the Garmin, the hydro pack, all of the other really fun accessories.

There are days when I don't want to run, when it seems like a burden, but if I have something new, well, I am up and out the door! Having something new can prompt me to take action.

Last week I ordered a new swim cap because I have this issue with my hair breaking. Some of it is the chlorine Then my friend Ivy, who was a collegiate swimmer, told me that my cheap swim cap was tearing my hair. She said "it's nothing but a big rubber band, you need to get a better cap, wet your hair before you get in the water, and condition it under the cap". And thus the order last week. I also noticed that my goggles really bugged me, they were pushing in on my eyeballs so that I thought sometimes my eyeballs would pop out of my head! I bought new goggles, some more for serious swimmers rather than "playing in the water".

Yesterday was the first day I used my new purchases. I got up, really not sure I wanted to swim, but then I remembered I had "new stuff"! How exciting. And so I went so I could use my new cap and goggles. Just like running the "new stuff" prompted me to go and once there it was a great swim.

Having good equipment is important for any sport, this I've now discovered. The difference in that cap and those goggles compared to my cheapies is really amazing. I was able to swim more relaxed with goggles that didn't hurt, and the cap was easy to get on and off and kept the chlorine off of my hair much better than the old one.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Feeling Good!

This is it, this week of recovery and then I begin to build up my mileage and my speed again...slowly.

Memorial Day weekend we went to Ruidoso to see our families. It was so nice and cool and dry air, I miss it so much. Every time I return I remember how much I love the mountains.

Running there (as much as I was allowed) was once again amazing. The cool crisp air feels so exhilarating as it flows over my body. I could run and run and run when I am in the mountains.

Even with running a bit more than I should have been as well as hilly terrain my knee feels fine. How exciting.

I will get my new plan at the end of the week and I will be able to run the Dublin TX 10K although as my coach puts it "just plan on it doing it very easily so that you're only goal for that day is to cover the distance running. It will be SLOW, so let the joy come from running again and being out there!" That sounds easy; to "let the joy come from running again and being out there" it's just not that easy for me when I know I can at least get 3rd in my age division if I am uninjured. But I know she is right and I do have El Scorcho coming up in July. I need to remain healthy and not overdo. This will be a test of my will no doubt.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

One more Week and a Couple of Days

Here I am working on getting stronger, with more week left. My swim was tough this week, not sure why, just one of those days.

Yesterday I ran 2.5 miles then walked 3.5 more. I chose to run a more hilly route and this may have been a mistake. Up until 2 miles I felt great. When I turned to go uphill to go back the way I had come I got that familiar pain in the back of my knee. I stopped to stretch then ran another .5 miles and then walked. The pain went away when I stretched and walked. And I don't walk slowly.

I have not felt that pain in awhile and I am wondering if the hills made a difference, that and the fact that my coach says "jog" and I am going faster than a jog. I think the lesson is I need to be careful and just "jog", but it is so hard when it feels so good to be running.

Now I am nervous. What if, in another week, I am unable to continue to build up mileage in the hilly terrain here? I have to keep my mind from wandering and just focus on my continued improvement. It's a lot easier to say than to do.

I'm not sure I will be able to run the Dublin 10K, I KNOW I won't be racing it. Oh well it's just one race and the one I want to really focus on is El Scorcho, the 25K at midnight in July.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

2.5 miles

Not far is it? But when you've been injured and you are ready to run that 2.5 miles is heaven sent!

What a wonderful day today. It was 59 degrees and still, no wind. Just a perfect morning. I walked only half a mile and could not stand it any longer, I had to run. So I ran 2.5 miles (I was only supposed to run 2) and it felt WONDERFUL. I felt so free, so lite, in my element.

I had a tough time stopping to finish up my 5 miles with walking but I did. I do not want to re injure my knee. The walking was fine too, such a great morning to be out.

Then breakfast at our new favorite place The Firehouse Grill! I LOVE breakfast.

At home it was more coffee on the dock...sigh what a great life.

Friday, May 15, 2009


This week has been a good workout week for me. Monday and Tuesday consisted of running some but mostly walking a brisk pace with either Ivy or Terry. And of course strength training on Tuesday is always in order :).

But Wednesday is the day I want to make sure and mention. Wednesday called for swimming, no real time or number of laps just swim. The last time I went to the Y to swim I found it tough, but I went early in the morning. It seems that I do better swimming when I go in the mid-afternoon (using my lunch hour for this of course Kevin). Usually it's quiet, not many people there, sometimes I am the only one in the pool. I tend to do better when I am alone.

I show up and there is no one there so out of the two lanes they have for lap swimming I chose the one on the inside, it's harder to swim next to the wall because of the way the water comes back off of that surface. Anyway I begin, at first it's really a warm up, I feel pretty good and am able to make the turns and I don't have to stop much to rest so this is good. Then I look up to see that 15 or 20 mentally challenged adults are coming in and getting into the lane next to me.

At first I was a little upset, this IS lap time and they are taking up an entire lane. But I was the only person swimming laps and they were not in my lane so it was really not a problem for me. I laughed a bit thinking about how now my incompetent swimming didn't really matter because the lifeguards were busy watching them instead of me. I was able to relax a bit at that thought. Then I began to think about whether or not they knew NOT to go to the bathroom in the pool. Probably not and I am swimming right past them over and over...oh well, that is what chlorine is for, right?

At some point someone started screaming which really messed me up for a moment until I realized it was a scream of delight not distress. On that break (I took one because I thought someone was drowning) I noticed how much fun they were having. Laughing, giggling, and just putting their heads under water seemed like an amazing feat. Walking back and forth in the lane some would talk to themselves about the water, how it felt, what it smelled like. At that moment I realized how much I take for granted and how simple life really is. We should appreciate those simple little moments, like a child when they first discover a bug or a pretty flower in the garden. I hope to take this lesson with me...funny isn't it? They have no idea the impression they made on me in those 55 minutes, but God does.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May my Month of Healing

I don't like being injured. I feel like I am getting lazy. Even though I am doing more cross training than I've ever done in my life I still feel lazy. It's not the same as running and I miss it more and more. Especially as Terry increases his running in training for the Dublin 10K.

The past three days I've walked a lot and "jogged" a little inbetween. Yesterday I did weights and today I will swim. I enjoy the cross training I just miss the running.

Soon...soon...I just need to get well once and for all.

On the bright side I did get a new lite headlamp for Mother's Day to us in my midnight run in July! I can't wait to run early in the morning in the dark so I can use it. Not to mention having my own for backpacking and camping :)

Nothing profound today, just feeling a little down because I want to run. This too shall pass.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Yoga Beavers and Snakes...Oh and running...

The kids are here visiting and my plan called for yoga yesterday. I did not want to spend an hour at the YMCA when I could be spending that time with the kids and the significant others. Taryn suggested I do yoga at the dock on the deck. I've taken it enough now that I know the sequences, the poses, and the transitions.

I got up before anyone else, around 6:00, had a cup of coffee, got my mat and some water and went down to the dock. I also had my phone which has Pandora installed and I found a yoga station so I even had the yoga music. Our dock has a sun deck on top, perfect place for early morning yoga! I climbed up and started the music to play softly.

It was so peaceful. The sun coming up over the water, a nice soft breeze blowing. And I did indeed remember the sequences from the class. It was a hard workout as I tried to hold the poses, especially plank poses, for longer than we do in class. On balance poses I had a bit of trouble because the water was of course moving and that would throw me off, but as long as I focused on the bank across the canal I was good. As I was holding "tree pose" I saw a beaver coming down the canal with a big stick. I stopped to watch him swim by, never able to see where he went.

Then I went on to "eagle pose", it's a bit more difficult to hold. I saw something moving in the water so I stopped to see what it was and it was a very large water (rat) snake. YUCK! He swam from the bank across the canal right into our dock where we would store the boat if we had one! Double YUCK. I went on and finished yoga. The beauty of the water, the coolness of the breeze, and the feeling of one with the earth was uplifting. I will be doing this again.

Later in the afternoon as we all sat outside on the deck Ben (Taryn's boyfriend) spied something in a tree a few yards from the deck. After further investigation we found that it was a large snake, and yes he was high up in the tree. It was another Rat Snake. Triple YUCK! Our neighbors came over and so it was quite a show. Although the menfolk tried and tried to get the snake down they were unsuccessful until two blue jays who were quite upset with the snake getting close to their next went crazy squawking and poking at him. The snake shimmied his way down out of the tree in a very timely fashion once he thought the jays were going to peck him to death. Upon his arrival on the ground our neighbor grabbed him and we spent some time getting to know this new addition. While it was a bit creepy, rat snakes are harmless and very beneficial because they eat mice and rats. The fact that he was around our house actually made me feel a bit better, this way I know the mice and rats will be taken care of!

Knowing that when I sleep in the hammock under the trees I may wake up to a snake staring from above is a bit disconcerting...not sure how I am going to handle this.

Today, Sunday, Terry and I got up early and went to the square to meet our new running buddies. Of course I am still taking it easy and not happy about it, but I did what my coach told me to do and I walked one mile, jogged two, and walked one. The jogging part was closer to running than I think my coach would's difficult to go a slow jog rather than a run, but I did try. My knee feels good. No pain while running or walking, no soreness (yet). I'm hoping that all is good. I need to do some strength today and then it's on to tomorrow when I will have another week of low mileage easy running and lots of cross training.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all will be well in just a few weeks.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

New Friends

I think now I can admit that I was a bit concerned about moving to a new town where I knew no one. There were so many questions, who would I run with, would I have someone to go to lunch with, to talk with, to share with? Let's face it girls need girlfriends from time to time.

I've been amazed at God's plan in our lives. We never intended to move to Granbury. In fact it was no where on our map of places we wanted to move. It happened quite by "accident", although now I see that it was God's plan all along.

When Terry came and looked at the house he knew we would like the house itself but the neighbors, well he wasn't sure of my reaction. It's very different than Abilene. We loved our neighbors there but we didn't really get to know them or get out and visit. In this lake neighborhood everyone is outside most of the time. Talking, sharing, borrowing, working in the yard, or on the boat. It's an amazing network of caring neighbors. Even those that are a little "strange" are part of the network.

Immediately the neighbors across the street were available for anything we need. Now Ivy and I are becoming good friends. She said to me just the other day during one of our walks that she felt so blessed that I moved in, that I have been such an inspiration to her in her quest to lose weight and get back in shape. She feels that she would not have been out and moving had I not asked her to go and walk with me.

Part of God's plan? I certainly think so.

And then there are those in the running community here. They have been fantastic to us. They have no formal running club instead groups of people who meet and run together. They are so accommodating and so much fun.

God is certainly put us here for a reason, meeting these folks is just the beginning.

Couple of Days In

Three days on the new plan. It seems to be going well. Most of you will not be surprised to know that I consistently do just a little bit more than the plan calls for :) I just cannot help it.

Monday I walked a mile, ran a mile, then walked 4. And when I say walked I mean at a brisk pace. Actually as fast as the pace some folks run. It's quite a work out, really able to feel it in the hips.

Tuesday I swam 50 minutes and did my strength exercises for me knee. Swimming was tough Tuesday. I went early rather than later in the day and perhaps that is what made it so hard. I felt as if I were struggling. But I did it!

Yesterday was a repeat of Monday only I went an additional mile. It is so humid here, it's tough to walk/run in this humidity! I'm hoping it will only help me but boy it's hard to get used to.

Today it's weights and yoga. Family is coming so I am not sure how much I can get in but hopefully I'll get to go to yoga tonight as I love power yoga in 90 degree heat in the humidity.

Monday, May 4, 2009

New Beginnings

Today I began building my running back. It seems like such a long road but my coach is determined that I not have to go through this again so we are taking it easy and building up. Sigh. The goal is to get through May WITHOUT pain.

I thought when I got my new plan I would be running at least 3 miles at an easy pace. My heart sank when I saw my new training plan. It just doesn't feel like enough! But in reality I know she is right and I am doing so much cross training it's not as if I am going to lose fitness. And I do not want to come back to this point so I must go slow.

I also wanted to work in walking with Ivy, yoga, swimming, and weights. And so this morning I walked one mile, then jogged (not ran) a mile, then walked briskly with Ivy for another 4. That's a total of 6 miles and although I wish I could have been running, it was evident that I need the slow build up. My knee did swell and it felt "funny" but it did not hurt, good sign. And we are getting pretty fast at walking which is kicking my butt!

Tomorrow I will lift and swim so that's 30 minutes of lifting and 50 or so of swimming, then Wednesday will be a repeat of today.

It's not easy going slow but I know it's necessary so I will follow the coaches plan and hopefully by the time El Scorcho gets here I'll be good for a 15 mile midnight run!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Last Day of No Running!

This was the last day of my 3 weeks off in order to rest my knee. We went to the square, this is where we meet some of the runners here in Granbury. Of course they all ran and I walked four miles. It was a great morning...59 degrees, nice and cool after the rain last night, just a beautiful day to be out! And I walked a 13:42 pace! I remember doing long runs, in my former life, at just a little faster pace. And of course then breakfast at Cari's (which they have now dubbed "The Pig" after we told them about the Dixie Pig in Abilene)

It was tough today, with such nice weather, not to run but I am determined to get back healthy and so I will start again this week, I am looking forward to it.

I've met a few people who run early in the mornings and live close to us, they are faster under normal circumstances but one is recovering from an injury and just starting back himself so their pace will be slow.

There is also a group running from the Y during the week at 8:15. I may try to meet with them but it's a bit harder because it interferes with work so I will have to see how it goes.

And there is walking with Ivy and friends, I really don't want to give that up....sigh...and I thought I would have no one to do things with when we moved here!