Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sun and Moon

It is easy in this mess we call life to forget to see what is around us.  This morning I was reminded that each day is a new day.

I left boot camp at 5 am, not really in the mood to run, but on my schedule it called for 4 miles.  And so I switched my shoes, put on my Garmin and my shuffle, and hit the road.  By chance, or maybe not, my music was set to Mercy Me.  Soon I was moving to the music without feeling a struggle from the run.

As I ran I realized it was cloudy, big thunder clouds with rain in the far distance.  Although it was still dark the moon, not quite full, was boldly shining behind the clouds, occasionally peaking through to shed a graceful glow on the world around me. 

A few minutes later I realized that I was experiencing one of those times when the not quite full moon was shining through the dark clouds to the west and the sun's orange glow was lighting the sky in the east.  The mixing  of dark, light, orange sunrise and moonlight, wow.  I had to stop and just be still in awe of what God can do.