Saturday, February 21, 2009

Great Week!

After Tuesday the week just kept getting better. Even with cold and WIND it was still good. After swimming on Wednesday, Thursday I ran 3 miles at 5K pace and ran a 23:56 in a TRAINING RUN! It felt good.

Friday was strength training. This made me a bit sore for my run on Saturday but what a great feeling. And I did a lot of abs, they are still sore, but I like it.

Today, Saturday, was a 9 mile run that went like this: 3 miles slow, 3 miles at race pace, 3 miles slow. The wind was blowing 25 mph with gusts up to 40. And it was cold so the wind chill was...well...chilling.

Even then I was able to get my run in with good time and feel very strong. Next weekend is the Cowtown Half. I feel very strong, I think I can do well, maybe not a PR but under 2:00 for sure. If I can stay relaxed, start slow, let the run come to me. I am looking forward to it.

I just hope the wind isn't blowing that day although I've certainly trained for it!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fast Pace

I'm getting faster! 8:12 pace for 6 miles....felt good and love it.

Swam today, 1600 meters in 30 minutes. Don't know if this is good or not but it felt good.

Getting stronger!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day run

For some in the club it was a day of wearing red and BEING red. The idea to do the Steamboat Mountain 13 mile run for Valentine's Day was brought up a few weeks ago and since I also had a 13 mile run to do Terry and I decided to participate. The idea was to also wear red.

If you don't know, Steamboat Mountain is not a mountain by Colorado standards of course, but it is a very tall group of Mesa's and the grade % on the hills is extremely steep, no switchback roads.

The route is 13 miles through the cute little town of Buffalo Gap just south of Abilene, great place to run!

It's a very tough course but not so tough you cannot do it, and you feel so good about yourself when you do because it is such an accomplishment.

And so today I decided to run my 13 with the group at a slow pace at Steamboat. Terry only had about 6 miles to do so he parked at the top of the mountain and then ran with me the last 6 miles or so.

The first part of the run, about 2.5 miles or so it was windy and the temperature was 29 degrees, I was dressed for it but was still pretty cold with the north wind. Once we turned from it we were better.

The run was fun and felt good albeit tough, but then that's what we expected. I did well on the hills, had to walk some on the steepest hill, but all in all I felt good.

Legs are tired, I think some from the run but I also lifted heavier on legs yesterday so it may be some soreness from that as well.

Anyway, it was a fun Valentine run and once again shows what fun we can having doing what we love.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Runner's High

I'm sure you've heard it before runner's saying they've experienced the "runner's high". What does that mean exactly?

Most of us go out, do our runs, enjoy it and feel better when it's been accomplished but do we really feel high?

Yesterday I believe that I found that place, the place that you could call the "runner's high". The place where you are finishing up your run and you realize that although you had to DRAG yourself out of bed you are now almost finished and you are running at a great pace and feeling wonderful and could push harder even though this pace is faster than you expected and you still feel good.

Yesterday it felt hard at first, I was tired, didn't want to get up, I was brooding. But I got out there started my run listening to ABBA (yes I said ABBA), and all of a sudden the run had literally come to me (as one wise man once said). I had to watch my pace not to run too fast, now how often does that happen?

The last mile I let myself go and ran hard, fast, and with ease. As if my feet were floating. And when the run was over I was smiling, I had this feeling inside, a light- heartedness and a view of the world that was different from when I began.

And then I took out my beach towel on which I do my stretching, put it on the ground beneath some trees at the park, laid down on my back and stretched while watching the clouds above me. That had the pattern that looks like waves one after another and with the sun coming up they were tinted pink in some places with the blue sky poking through.

I felt giddy. What a great world we live in, how many times are we too busy brooding to notice the beautiful things around us?

I've felt this way on a run before, but it seems to be far and few between as I put more miles under my feet. On days like yesterday when it just comes to you it's great to reflect on all the things you've seen and witnessed while outside in this great world.

And then I had to go to work...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Week

As you know the wind blew pretty hard last week and over the weekend...YUCK. Sunday night at some point we had a nice quiet rain, something we desperately need.

The wind died down. Running on Monday was beautiful. The smell of the rain, the crispness (not cold) of the air made it a great morning. It is amazing how after one little rain everything looks so green.

Monday I went over to ACU and ran around their walk/run path. It goes around the outside of the campus, past a pretty little "lake", it's really just a pond but they call it a lake. It's actually patterned after the "lake" at the Broadmore Hotel in Colorado Springs.

Anyway it's a 1.8 mile look and I ran 7 at 5K pace, that was an 8:28 pace on Monday. Very tough run, but a very good run. Wonderful morning.

Tuesday was's nice to get up and do Yoga to the sunrise. There is something so spiritual about it.

Yesterday, Wednesday, was a 4 mile easy run except that I thought it was 5 miles so I ran 5. Again it was windy so I ran from the YMCA around the neighborhood to stay out of the wind. Good run. Then off to the pool where I swam for 30 minutes. I have new goggles and what a different that made. This swim went much better than last weeks and I felt great.

I am pretty tired this morning and having a tough time getting myself going but I am on my way out to a 6 mile 10K pace run. Should be around an 8:45 pace. It will be easier than Monday but still hard. I'm already wishing I were finished! Luckily today there is no wind, it is only 40 degrees so it's a little cool, but with no wind it should be a great morning for a run.

Catch up with you later.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Wind, wind, wind...did I mention it's been WINDY this week? Nevertheless I've done well this week. After swimming on Tuesday I followed up Wednesday with running a good easy run of 5 miles and lifting immediately following. It felt good, one of those tired from working out good feelings. Thursday brought the wind. 20 MPH+ with gusts of 30. I was to run 6 at 10K pace, and I did, in the wind. It was not easy and I did not feel good when I finished, but what is difficult makes us stronger. At least I kept telling myself that. Friday I lifted so that went well, no wind inside :). But Saturday called for an 11 mile run, 3 miles slow, 5 at 10K pace, and 3 slow. And the wind was 20 MPH+. We chose to run through neighborhoods rather than in the park. As long as we were not going south we were able to keep on pace. It was a good run with friends and then of course The Pig. I love Saturday runs with breakfast at The Pig following.

Next week we are going to try someplace new on the north side of town, it wont' be the same as The Pig, but it might be better. Who knows!

My training is going well and I am losing body fat% doing all of this cross training. I really enjoy some variety and I feel so much stronger. Knee problems are almost non existent and the hamstring does not hurt at all.

Life is much better.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I did it, I went to the YMCA ready to swim. I waited 15 minutes for the Wylie swim team to finish, and I got in the water. I swam 200 meters and then my goggles strap broke. I tied it together and did another 200 meters and it broke again in another place. In the end I could not wear them anymore so I swam the backstroke and used the kick board some of the time to work out my legs.

I swam for 30 minutes and only did 800 meters :( and I have to stop every 50 meters to catch my breath! I wish I knew how to do the turns, I feel like I'm in a rhythm and then I am at the other end and stop.

All in all though it was a good workout, I enjoyed it and felt good but tired when I got out. I am looking forward to keeping it up and improving.

I think I may take some lessons, learn the turns, get someone to watch my form and tell me how I can improve. I would also like to work hard at it and do a triathlon sometime during this year, but I need to get comfortable with the swim. So I think I'll look into the lessons!

Does Anybody Read This?

I keep writing here and I know of only 2 people who read it, sometime I wonder why I am writing. And then I realize that it's for me, it's cathartic, like writing in a diary. So if nobody reads it that's fine.

I wonder...if I put something in here that was out of character for me, way out there and unusual, would I find out if people read it? Could I start a rumor that would come back to me like the children's gossip game? That might be fun to try some time, but not today.

Yesterday was a good running day. It was hard; 6 miles at 5K pace. It occurs to me that 5k pace is just that, FOR A 5k, not for 6 miles! That's why it's 5k pace and not 10k pace. Nevertheless it's what my plan called for so it's what I did. It was tough I was sluggish but I was close to pace. If I were really running only a 5k I could have run faster for just those 3 miles :).

It was cold too, 26 degrees when I went out. I even waited until the sun came up hoping that the sun would help me stay warm. It was beautiful though even with the somewhat chilly temperature. The sky was clear and blue no wind and when I stretched I did so outside in the sun and felt like a big old lazy cat soaking up the warmth while stretching my old bones. Good day.

I've also found thanks to my handsome hubby. I've begun to track my workouts and my food there. They have some great information on that site I just need more time to read the articles. Some of you would like it too so take a look.

Today my workout consists of a swim. Needless to say I am nervous. It's not that I can't swim I am just not very comfortable swimming for exercise. I am going to try it and see if I can stay with it for 30 minutes knowing I will have to stop at each 50 and catch my breath. I will most likely have to do some backstroke too just to feel comfortable. The point is, according to my coach, that I am getting a good workout in without pounding my knees. I'll keep you posted!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Back at Home

Got in from Colorado Friday afternoon, did some strength training, cleaned up the house, picked up the dog poop in the back yard, played with the dogs, it was a nice day. The realtor called and someone wanted to see the house so the dogs and I took off on a drive. We went to Chick Fil A where I got a diet lemonaide, it's awesome, and they got chicken nuggets. I think they enjoy our little drives :)

Yesterday we got up and went to run with the club. We went later than normal, about 8, when most start at 7 and others as early as 6 if they have a really long run. Waiting until the sun comes up when it's 31 out is preferable sometimes!

What a great day. Chilly but perfect for shorts and long sleeves no wind and sunny. Put that weather together with good friends and a nice run, you just can't beat it. Topping that off with breakfast at The Dixie Pig, life is GOOD.

I felt pretty good yesterday although I didn't run as fast as I would have liked, I am amazingly still sluggish from being ill. Terry had to stop early and even had a bout of dry heaving! We keep wondering when this crazy stomach issue will go away.

Even with all of that the morning was wonderful. A few friends are running for Team in Training and one is even coaching. It's fun to hear what they are going through for TNT, I admire their dedication. Having had family members either die or having had and survived cancer, it's great that they can do this in the honor of those they love.

Today is my rest day tomorrow I have to get back to my plan; I've deviated a bit due to sickness so I am hoping my hard run tomorrow feels good. I'll keep you posted.