Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Thoughtful Running

My run of 8 miles today was glorious. It started with me waking up at 4 am and trying for an hour and a half to talk myself out of going. I told myself I could go later, I could do it tomorrow, I need the rest. My brain was working fast to keep me awake trying to talk my body out of wanting to run in the crisp cool morning. Finally I made the decision "not to listen to myself anymore" and I put my feet on the floor and got up, had my cup of coffee and something to eat, read my book, and then got ready to run.

Once at the park I put on my gloves and covered my ears. It was chilly out but not too cold for shorts. I have a rule you know, anything above 38 is shorts and a short sleeve shirt covered with a long sleeve shirt, gloves, and something on my ears. I hit start and my Garmin and took off.

The sun was coming up with a vengeance, bright and pink. The reflection in the water was brilliant.

My legs felt smooth and light for the entire 8 miles. Only once did I have to stop for my usual potty stop. Other than that this run redeemed me from the horrible run I had on Monday.

During this glorious run I thought about how God has provided so much for us. And I wondered how anyone can really think that this was all just some big cosmic mistake rather than someone making it all happen. I don't know how they cannot see it for what it is, God's wonder, his work, his creativity.

And on I ran...into my thoughts.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cold Weather Running

Cold weather has me frisky. I love the chilly weather. Running in the crisp cold dark mornings, through the local park all lit up with Griswald like display for Christmas. There really isn't anything better.

My knee is getting so much stronger and my running is getting better. I had forgotten how much I love to run.

My struggle now is remembering that I need to cross train. I need to swim and I need to do my strength training. I am struggling with this even though I know that if I don't I will be injured again. Cycling is out for the winter unless Santa brings me a trainer for my bike (fingers crossed).

Why are we so stubborn? Humans are silly beings. Well off to work...enjoy your day.