Tuesday, August 4, 2009


This last weekend at a get together with the kids, their future spouses, and some of their friends we drank beer and ate, sat in the river, and slept. Oh and had one mean game of kickball.

I have not played kickball since I was a kid, I had forgotten how much fun it is. However, when you have had a knee issue it's not the best game to play. Needless to say I was sore. Not just the knee but the hamstrings were crying out "what? speedwork? kickball? are you NUTS".

It was "The Arringtons" against the rest. That would be me, Terry, Tanner, and Taryn against the other 4 with one being "all time pitcher". And with valiant effort... we lost.

After getting home on Sunday and running on Monday with a sore knee I was concerned that I had really done myself in this time. But today it feels better and I was able to run 5 this morning with a bit of pain but not much and later in the day it feels much better. It simply gets sore when I do anything new.

Let's face it, injuries suck! And age sucks, harder to heal as we get older.

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