Friday, October 2, 2009

Week after Vacation

Sigh...I can't seem to get into anything the week after vacation.  I've run and I've gone to yoga but I cannot seem to get back into swimmming...sigh.  And of course there is that slight "depression" that you get when you miss the place you feel you really belong.  That's how this week has been.

There is a good reason why spiders are so much a part of Halloween.  This time of year they build enormous webs seemingly in the middle of nowhere.  Terry and I went out to run early on Tuesday morning and even though it did not appear that we were near any structure that would provide a spider the foundation for building a web, we found ourselves running right into the snare over and over.  What is up with that?

Cooler weather is again gathering here, yesterday it rained softly all morning and so I ran in the rain.  I love running in the rain, there is something so refreshing about those drops from heaven.  And of course the cooler weather is wonderful, the flowers are again in bloom its amazing to run through the neighborhoods and see the beauty of fall unfolding.

Tomorrow Terry and I are off to Grapevine to run The Vineyard Run.  It is a 5K through a vineyard and afterward they serve wine and play jazz.  It's great being so close to a large running community, so much to be involved in.

I will be running it slow as we are now training for the Vegas Half and so we will run long Sunday.  We don't want to mess with the knee you know!

Will let you know how it goes.

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