Sunday, February 8, 2009


Wind, wind, wind...did I mention it's been WINDY this week? Nevertheless I've done well this week. After swimming on Tuesday I followed up Wednesday with running a good easy run of 5 miles and lifting immediately following. It felt good, one of those tired from working out good feelings. Thursday brought the wind. 20 MPH+ with gusts of 30. I was to run 6 at 10K pace, and I did, in the wind. It was not easy and I did not feel good when I finished, but what is difficult makes us stronger. At least I kept telling myself that. Friday I lifted so that went well, no wind inside :). But Saturday called for an 11 mile run, 3 miles slow, 5 at 10K pace, and 3 slow. And the wind was 20 MPH+. We chose to run through neighborhoods rather than in the park. As long as we were not going south we were able to keep on pace. It was a good run with friends and then of course The Pig. I love Saturday runs with breakfast at The Pig following.

Next week we are going to try someplace new on the north side of town, it wont' be the same as The Pig, but it might be better. Who knows!

My training is going well and I am losing body fat% doing all of this cross training. I really enjoy some variety and I feel so much stronger. Knee problems are almost non existent and the hamstring does not hurt at all.

Life is much better.

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