Sunday, February 1, 2009

Back at Home

Got in from Colorado Friday afternoon, did some strength training, cleaned up the house, picked up the dog poop in the back yard, played with the dogs, it was a nice day. The realtor called and someone wanted to see the house so the dogs and I took off on a drive. We went to Chick Fil A where I got a diet lemonaide, it's awesome, and they got chicken nuggets. I think they enjoy our little drives :)

Yesterday we got up and went to run with the club. We went later than normal, about 8, when most start at 7 and others as early as 6 if they have a really long run. Waiting until the sun comes up when it's 31 out is preferable sometimes!

What a great day. Chilly but perfect for shorts and long sleeves no wind and sunny. Put that weather together with good friends and a nice run, you just can't beat it. Topping that off with breakfast at The Dixie Pig, life is GOOD.

I felt pretty good yesterday although I didn't run as fast as I would have liked, I am amazingly still sluggish from being ill. Terry had to stop early and even had a bout of dry heaving! We keep wondering when this crazy stomach issue will go away.

Even with all of that the morning was wonderful. A few friends are running for Team in Training and one is even coaching. It's fun to hear what they are going through for TNT, I admire their dedication. Having had family members either die or having had and survived cancer, it's great that they can do this in the honor of those they love.

Today is my rest day tomorrow I have to get back to my plan; I've deviated a bit due to sickness so I am hoping my hard run tomorrow feels good. I'll keep you posted.

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