Saturday, November 22, 2008

Post Marathon

Flew to Colorado on Monday after the marathon. I was pretty sore and sitting that much on the airplanes made me reall stiff.

I got up Monday morning and walked about a mile and 1/2 to the coffee/bagel shop up the street from the hotel. That felt good except for my left foot which feels bruised.

I was stiff at work all Monday. Tuesday I got up and walked again a little further and then on Tuesday night I had a massage. That really helped!

From that point forward I felt pretty good except for my foot.

Every morning I walked from a mile and 1/2 to two miles as briskly as possible. I love the crisp cold snowy weather and it felt really good to walk and not run.

Today (Saturday) I ran 3 slow miles but that too felt good again except for my foot. I am just not sure what the heck happened there. My knee also swelled a little today and hurt in the backside behind my kneecap which worries me some, I may go visit with Dr. Chad and see that it's ok before I move forward.

My plan for now is to train for the Cowtown Half Marathon and if my knee is ok to try and run it in a decent time. I also want to do the 3M half for fun, easy and enjoy.

I am also going to begin on Monday with strength training for runners, get myself in better shape. I used to strength train all the time but when I started the Boston training I let it go...I think that hurt me.

Enough for today, I am looking forward to the Turkey Trot on Thursday!

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