Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Time Not Running

I've had some comments that my blog needs some updating, a new posting. Well as I mentioned in the last blog I'm not running for 30 days. This is a blog about RUNNING and I am not RUNNING.

The name of my blog is "My Love/Hate Relationship with Running" so I guess I should update how I'm not running and how my relationship with running if evolving again.

I am enjoying not having the pressure of training. When I look back on it it has been almost 2 and 1/2 years of training, taking out the month or so of rest when I hurt my knee. Getting ready to qualify for Boston and then the knee, rest, then training for San Antonio, it's been awhile since I've just enjoyed myself!

So what am I doing instead? Walking (briskly), Yoga, strength training, arc trainer, elliptical, I may add swimming at some point.

I love getting back to cross training and have found a new love...Yoga. It's such a wonderful body and soul exercise and yet it REALLY works you out. Especially the core. It's a great addition to my cross training.

My next adventure is when we move I will take rowing lessons. It is a great workout for your legs and core and I can't think of anything more beautiful than rowing on the river in the peace of the morning.

So will I run again? Well I did do the Christmas fun run and it was a good run.

My plan is to start again right after Christmas that will be a little over 30 days. This time I will not give up my cross training, it is making me stronger.

For now my plan is to run the Cowtown Half Marathon on February with no time goal in mind, just doing it for fun and because I WANT THAT COOL MEDAL!

Well that is enough for today I'll try to be better about keeping up.

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