Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ramping Up!!!!

It's been week since I logged anything here. It's not that a lot hasn't happened, I've just been too lazy to post :)

Things have been going quite well. The swim team (in which I just workout but don't compete) is so hard. It has been a humbling experience. I typically pick things up easily but swimming is so technical. Even though it's hard it is a wonderful workout and I am learning so much that I will use going forward. Should I decide to compete in a triathlon this training will help me tremendously. If I decide not to it will still be beneficial.

We've learned every stroke, and all the technique for making them work efficiently. Now doing it correctly is the hard part. I need a LOT of practice. I sometimes think I will drown but in the end this has been a wonderful experience, it's made me stronger, I've learned new things, lost a few pounds, and I am much more comfortable in the water.

Yoga is still a tough workout, however I find myself getting more and more limber the more I go. I am comfortable with most of the basic poses. Some of the more difficult ones are a little beyond me but I'll get there.

As far as running goes I've progressed quite nicely. Increasing mileage slowly and keeping a conservative pace has been good and my knee is feeling great. It is getting really hot here and I have had to get up earlier to get a run in before the heat hits.

I am not building up not only mileage I am now increasing my pace. Today I ran only 3 but at a faster pace than what I've done in two months. I ran 3 at 8:37! And my knee feels good! I am excited and feel that things are progressing nicely.

That's it for this update :)

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