Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Schorching? YES!

El Schorcho Dos...the name says it all. Hot, no, schorching YES. Even at midnight. Needless to say this run was difficult. A week of conference, wearing heels, not sleeping, eating differently, flying, running at midnight, the heat, dehydration, lots of excuses!

Interestingly enough what I remember most is the one part of the loop where you can see the skyline of the city. It is beautiful and peaceful. It's a sight that not many people see from this vantage point in the middle of the night. 5 loops and each time the sight caught me by surprise. That part I loved.

Spending time with friends who share this crazy affair with running, absolutely priceless.

All the frustration, all the pain, in the end celebrating with friends is really what it is all about!

1 comment:

Abilene Runner said...

You saw a skyline? All that I saw were bouncing lights and dust! A run worth doing again (I say that only after recovering) in part because of the great group of people who were there.