Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Not Running!

Well it's been a couple of weeks since I've run. How am I fairing you may ask! Not bad I must say.

I swam over a mile in my last outing at the pool, I rode the stationary bike for an hour (yes my butt bones hurt) at a good pace, and I did Yoga on Saturday that I thought would kill me. Today I got up and walked 4 quick miles with my new neighbor. We have walked twice together now, she is trying to lose weight. It's the 40 thing. She turns 40 in February, quit smoking in November of this year, and wants to be in a size 6 by her 40th birthday. So I am a bit of a motivator and it's really fun!

I am hoping to get her doing a walk run interval later in the summer and into a race or two in the fall. She has a competitive spirit and was a swimmer in college so I think she will get there.

I do some kind of working out every day and try to burn every calorie I can plus track everything in Livestrong.com. I've actually lost a few pounds and am lighter than I have been for some time, even through marathon training!

My knee is feeling much better and my coach says that next week I can start back slowly. She will be sending me a training plan before Monday. I hope I can be ready for the Dublin Dr. Pepper 10K. After getting a PR in my 10K here I would like to do that one well, but we will see. I may not be recovered enough by then.

All is good here...I'll keep you posted :)

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