Thursday, May 7, 2009

New Friends

I think now I can admit that I was a bit concerned about moving to a new town where I knew no one. There were so many questions, who would I run with, would I have someone to go to lunch with, to talk with, to share with? Let's face it girls need girlfriends from time to time.

I've been amazed at God's plan in our lives. We never intended to move to Granbury. In fact it was no where on our map of places we wanted to move. It happened quite by "accident", although now I see that it was God's plan all along.

When Terry came and looked at the house he knew we would like the house itself but the neighbors, well he wasn't sure of my reaction. It's very different than Abilene. We loved our neighbors there but we didn't really get to know them or get out and visit. In this lake neighborhood everyone is outside most of the time. Talking, sharing, borrowing, working in the yard, or on the boat. It's an amazing network of caring neighbors. Even those that are a little "strange" are part of the network.

Immediately the neighbors across the street were available for anything we need. Now Ivy and I are becoming good friends. She said to me just the other day during one of our walks that she felt so blessed that I moved in, that I have been such an inspiration to her in her quest to lose weight and get back in shape. She feels that she would not have been out and moving had I not asked her to go and walk with me.

Part of God's plan? I certainly think so.

And then there are those in the running community here. They have been fantastic to us. They have no formal running club instead groups of people who meet and run together. They are so accommodating and so much fun.

God is certainly put us here for a reason, meeting these folks is just the beginning.

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