Sunday, April 6, 2008

Beginning of this Blog

Well I guess this begins my Blog. Most recently, for the past two years, I've been training to gain enough speed and endurance to qualify for Boston. With three weeks before my planned marathon I tore my miniscus (actually they believe it was torn already) and it was three weeks out when it "got me". So now I am building back up. I am not back to the point I was before but of course this has set me back some. Especially mentally. My struggle now is not with my body but my mind.
Do I care enough about Boston to work as hard as I have the last two years? I struggle with whether or not it's really that important to me or if I would rather just enjoy running for running.
Problem is when I get into a race, even if I SAY it's only for fun, I feel competative. I'm not sure I can run "only for fun". Not that I am that fast mind you, but in my own age division I am not shabby.
So I will struggle through this part of getting my mind in order and once that is accomplished I will see where it leaves me. Then maybe I can share some insight with anyone who wants it.
If anyone wants to share insight with me I'm all for that too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool start. We need to get more involved. I think this would be fun. Do you think Terry can have an area with each of our web addresses so we could easily link to them?