Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Rainy Day

Today is a rest day, I'm happy about that but it's a pretty morning to run. Cloudy soon to be rainy, work will be difficult today.
Tomorrow is my mile test, I get too nervous about this kind of thing, it's not as though I must be at a certain pace so why do I get butterflies about a mile test run?
I want to do well, to push myself and get better. I believe I am trying to fight aging. As long as I can push and improve maybe he will stay away from me leaving my body to fend for itself instead of adding wrinkles and internal struggles.
Oh well, I know it's coming. All the running, pushing, creams, soaps, make up and such to help me "not age" isn't REALLY going to work. So I think instead I'll just embrace getting older.
For my rest day I'll enjoy the time off of my feet and do some strength training instead.
Oh and enjoy the rain while praying for no wind in the morning.
Patrizia and travels to you both!

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