Saturday, April 19, 2008

Long Run Saturday

I'm so tired. Ran 10 today, got up at 5am started running at 6 and ran with Jean, Gary, Patrizia, Molly, Rich, and a new runner named Lisa. This was Jean and Gary's last long run before their first marathon in Oklahoma City.

It was a good run for the most part. I always enjoy visiting with friends on my long runs. At about 7.5 miles my knee began to hurt. I pushed through the pain to get to 10. I am wondering if it's the run on the treadmill that started this. After all I am not used to the treadmill. I'm hoping tomorrow with a good rest day it will feel better. And yes doc, I'm icing :)

Then it was off to a 7v7 soccer tournament all day. Long run and lots of sun with good soccer. I am going to miss watching Taryn play, but I know she will be happy without it and will enjoy her college years without the game. I sure do love that daughter of mine.

Terry was unavailable for running today, instead he and Tanner were in Colorado State Park doing a little fishing and camping. Seems they did well and had a wonderful time...I sure do love that husband and son of mine.

The wind was not bad today, yes I know it's hard to believe. Speaking of wind I did look up the least windy place in the US. It's in Oregon, guess we are not moving there, but it's good to know just in case.

Jean and Gary and all the others who are marathon virgins in OKC are in for a treat. I am so happy for them and cannot wait to hear about the experience! Their excitement seems to carry me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I swear we are related. I wrote my blog and went to yours and it is almost the same. I even commented on the wind, crazy. It was cool to see how far Jean has come in one year, she is amazing. I know she will do great next week. Oh yeah, Gary too.