Thursday, May 8, 2008

Perfect Day

Wow, is this the perfect day or what? I got up to a beautiful still morning. 5:15 am and still dark but nice and still. I walked outside, perfect temperature. Not hot, not cold, perfect.

Went to the track ran my 800 repeats on pace, as well as my warm up and cool down, then did sit ups and stretching at the track.

I simply did not want to go inside. Running is so easy when it's a perfect day. The sun coming up over the baseball field at Cooper felt like something from a high school sports movie.

Now at home I am working (yes I have wireless) outside. It's so nice to telecommute.

I am struck by how vivid colors seem today. The flowers and the grass, even the sky. It's one of those days when things look, well....vivid.

And now the hammock calls me, alas I am working. Bummer...maybe a nap in the hammock later.


Unknown said...


I really enjoyed reading your blog seems like you were having a very peaceful start to your day.

Unknown said...

oh, and I was going to tell you that if you go out to the State Park, ask them for a map, and it will have all the trails listed. The Elm Creek Trail is fairly long and interesting. I have seen several big old Cranes out there flying around the creek. I have also seen some wild hogs out there, too, so beware. They are in the area, along with a ton of deer and squirrels everywhere. Have fun, and you will have to tell me how you like it.