Saturday, May 24, 2008

Runing with Friends

Today was our club running day. Saturdays are sometimes hard for me. I know that I need to go slow on Saturdays. With two speed days I get tired easy and so Saturday is really a recovery run.

I always find myself wanting to do more than I should. Today was no different.

Then I find myself running with friends and we chat, talk about everything under the sun, enjoy each others company, catch up on each others lives and I realize...running is not just about how far, how long, or how fast. It's about seeing those people you miss seeing during the week and having a great converstion that couldn't be had if you were running faster.

During the week I run alone a lot depending upon what Terry feels like doing, sometimes he would rather go to the YMCA later in the day and work out. That's cool. I enjoy running alone. Those runs are faster, speed days are of course much faster and I enjoy them and feel good after such a hard workout. But when Saturday comes I find myself thoroughly excited to spend time with good friends.

I see others, pushing themselves on what should be a slower relaxed day, I wonder how their week goes. I used to think that every run I had to run hard, I missed out on so much with that mentality. And I am actually getting faster without running hard every run. The body just needs it's rest. Especially at over 40. I'm ok with that.

All of this to say to you the reader; Save some runs for enjoyment and visiting with friends. You actually burn more fat going slower :) always a plus, and this time will come to an end someday and then you will be sorry you didn't let those runs linger.

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